K is for Kool Aid!!!!!!

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"Come on West, let's do it!!!"




"Today is opposite day so nein means ja!!!!!" Prussia yelled out excitedly before running down the hallway before Germany could say anything.

Germany just sighed and shook his head.

So, Prussia thought they should started serving drinks at meeting which Germany agreed with but here's the thing.

Prussia thought that they should serve beer.

And Germany didn't feel like having a meeting room filled with drunk countries.

"Bruder, we are not serving out beer at the meeting!!!!" Germany yelled out.

"It's opposite day, so yes we are!!!!"

"No, were not!!!"

Prussia ran back to him, "Come on West!!!"

"No," Germany shook his head.

Prussia pouted, "Then what should we have."

"Water," Germany simply said.

Prussia gave him a 'WTF' look, "Water is too boring West!!!"

Germany pinched the bridge of hs nose, "You drink it everyday."

"Let's have something else. Something more awesome..... like beer!!!"

Germany once again pinched the bridge of his nose, "We're not doing beer or anything alcoholic. And if you don't want beer, just pick some kinda of soda or something."

Prussia pouted again, "Fine."

He started to think.

He really wanted beer, and would even take wine but Germany kept saying no.

He couldn't even bring any kind of alcohol.

What to do? What to do?


That was it.


Prussia walked into the meeting room with some bags that were full of bottles of a drink everyone loved.

Kool Aid.

Prussia poured the bottles into pitchers. Before looking around for his young brother.

After determining that Germany wasn't here, he took out a bottle of whiskey and poured it into the pitchers too before stirring it in.

He smirked to himself.

How was this gonna turn out?


As nations walked in, some of them took glasses of the spiked Kool Aid.

"Whoo hoo, Kool Aid!!!" America cheered as he got a glass.

Prussia snickered but quickly stopped when Germany and Austria looked at him. But he continued when they looked away.

Liechtenstein looked at him, she was right next to them, "What did you do?" she asked.

He looked at her, "What made you think I did something?"

She gave him a look.

"I didn't do anything, okay?"

Liechtenstein scoffed at that but turned to Germany who was starting the meeting.


As the meeting went on, nations started to look a little tipsy and some were smiling for no reason.

Germany kept eyeing Italy who also look tipsy and wasn't really talking that much.

Prussia was trying to keep in his laughter, he had his own glass of Kool Aid but could handle it.

Since many nations looked like they were gonna pass out while some on the other hand did, Germany called for a break.

Liechtenstein kept looking around the room, nations were passing out all over.

America passed out into his twin's arms who also passed out. The Mexican Twins were just slightly kicking and poking their big brothers to make sure that they were still alive.
Portugal had a passed out Brazil and Spain over his shoulders.

Romano was cussing at Germany, wanting to know why his little brother was passed out.

All of South America minus Colombia, Ecuador, Aruba, Bolivia, and Venezuela were passed out. They were now dumping water on their passed out cousins to wake them up along with the Mexicos who were doing the same to their brothers.

China was trying to wake up South Korea.

Liechtenstein noticed that it was just the nations who drank the Kool Aid who were passing out.

She walked over to the table and took a glass before taking a sip.

Her eyes widened. 

He didn't.

Her brother didn't.

She took another sip.

He did.

Her brother spiked the Kool Aid.

She wondered if she should go tell Germany. It had only been three weeks ago when they got their older brother into trouble with Austria and Hungary.

She started to walk over to Germany, "Bruder."

He looked at her, "Yes Liechtenstein?"

She opened her mouth but pulsed.

This would make some really good blackmail.

"I think you should call this meeting off and reschedule it."

Germany immediately nodded and announced it before picking up Italy and heading out.

Other nations started to fall.

The Mexicos were dragging their brothers behind them as they walked out.

They were completely ignoring England and France who were begging them to pick their brothers up.


Liechtenstein was about to get into the car with Switerland when she saw Prussia.

"I'll be right back," She told her brother before heading to Prussia.

She put her innocent face on and opened her arms, "Can I have a hug, Big Bruder?" She said with a sweet smile.

He smiled at his baby sister, "Of course you can Lily," He said before giving her a hug.

He heard a dark chuckle,"I know what you did," Liechtenstein whispered in his ear before she pulled back and walked away.

He stood there in shock before turning and looking at his sister who turned back and winked at him.

She got in the car wih Switerzland and gave him an evil smirk before Switzerland drove off.

Prussia just stood there.

It was official.

He, the former Great Prussian Empire was now officially afraid of his baby sister.

She may have seemed cute and adorable on the outside but was actually an evil mastermind on the inside.

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