N is for New!!!!!!!!

610 30 4

Ages: France and Prussia: 7,
Spain: 5

By new, I mean new friends.


Prussia stood in front the huge mansion with his father and looked around.

"Vati, who lives here?" He asked.

Germania ruffled his hair, "The Roman Empire, can be a bit of a goof at times but I deal with him. He has grandsons that I thought you would like to meet while we talk."

Prussia nodded and Germania knocked on the door.

It was soon opened by a little boy with blond hair, he looked at Germania and opened the door wider, "Bonjour Monseir Germania, Grand-papa said he was expecting you."

Germania smiled a bit and nodded at him before stepping in the house along with Prussia.

"Ah! Germania, your here!!" A voice said, they all turned to see Rome walking down the hallway.

"Rome," He nodded.

Rome turned to look at Prussia, "You must be Prussia!! I heard much about you!!"

"You've heard of the awesome me?" Prussia asked.

Rome laughed and nodded, "Of course!! Your father is always talking about you-"

Germania cleared his throat, "Let's start the meeting now, shall we Rome?"

Rome nodded, "Of course," He looked at France and Prussia, "You two should go meet up with the others, I know you'll be good friends," He said before waking down the hallway after Germania.

The two boys stood in silence for awhile.

"So your Prussia?" France asked.

Prussia nodded, "Yep, who are you?"

"France," He simply said, he started to upstairs, "You should meet my brothers."

Prussia started to follow him and the two walked down a hallway before stopping at a room, France knocked on the door before opening it and entering the room.

"What is it France?" A boy in the room asked, he like he wanted to sleep.

France looked at Prussia, "This is Portugal, he's one of my little brothers."

Prussia stepped forward and put out his hand for Portugal to shake, "I'm the awesome country of Prussia!!!"

Portugal looked at the hand before shaking it, "Portugal, nice to me you. Now can you please leave so I can go to sleep?"

They nodded and walked out the room.

"You said he was one of you little bruders, do you have an older bruder or are you the oldest?"

France nodded at him, "I'm the oldest."

They walked downstairs and France led him to another room where another little boy was. He had a wand and was reading a book, "Hi!!!" He smiled and waved at them.

(I have no idea what Romania's personality is like so if you don't agree with the way I put him, forgive me) 

France smiled and waved at his little brother before turning to Prussia, "This is Romania."

Prussia waved at Romania, "I'm the awesome country of Prussia, what are you doing?"

"Magic!!" He said, waving his wand.

"Is magic real?" Prussia asked.

Romania gasped, "Of course it is!!" He chanted something, waved his wand and pointed it at a bottle that started to float in the air.

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