L is for Lame!!!

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"Remind me why we're here again," Switzerland said to Liechtenstein as they walked up Germany and Prussia's driveway along with Gunther.

"Bruder said it was an emergency," She responded.

Switzerland rolled his eyes at that, he doubted that it was. Prussia could be extremely dramatic at times.

They opened the door to see Prussia running from Austia for some reason and saw Germany shaking his head.

They walked over to him, "So what's the emergency?" Switerzland asked.

Germany shrugged before he stretched out his arm, grabbed Prussia's collar when he was passing by and pulled him towards them, "What's the emergency?"

"Oh good, your all here," Prussia took a deep breath and put on a serious face on, "So as you all know, we're the family of awesome."

His siblings all nodded, "Yeah," They said.

"But lately," Prussia kept going before stopping.

"Yeah," His siblings all said, urging him on.

"Lately," He paused again for dramatic effect.

"Just tell us!!!" Austria said shaking his head.

Prussia snickered and went on, "Lately, we haven't been doing any awesome stuff."

They all looked at him with a 'WTF' face.

"That's what you called us for!?!" Austria yelled.

Prussia rolled his eyes, "Calm down Roddy, and yes, that's why I called you all. We've all been doing lame stuff lately. We need to do something awesome!!"

Liechtenstein shrugged, "Than what do you want to do?"  

Her other brothers all looked at her, "Lily, you can't be serious," Switzerland said.

She shrugged again, "He wants to do something awesome, than let's do something awesome."

"See!?!" Prussia said excitedly, "Lily agrees!!"

"NO," Austria said, he looked at his sister, "Your not going," He looked at Prussia, "None of us are going on whatever crazy thing you have planned."

Prussia put his arm around Austria, "Nothing crazy is planned because I haven't planned anything yet."

"Well we're not doing anything your gonna plan."

Prussia opened his mouth to speak but soon caught Liechtenstein's eye. She mouthed at him to just go with it.

"Fine," He whined at him before walking downstairs to his room. While Germany, Austria, and Switzerland talked about how Prussia wasted their time with this, they didn't notice Liechtenstein walk to his room too.


"So what are you planning?" Prussia and Liechtenstein both asked each other as she walked into the room.

Prussia snickered, "I say we carry them out in the middle of the night so when they wake up, we'll be far gone and they have to do something awesome with us."

Liechtenstein nodded, "That's kinda a good plan but I have something else in mind."

"Like what?" Prussia asked. 

Liechtenstein looked around to make sure no one was listening to their conversation before leaning closer to her brother and whispering in his ear.

Prussia eyes' widened before he smiled and nodded, "I like the way you think."


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