Chapter Two: The Curious Cat

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"Did you have fun last night?" Lucy asked as I trudged down the stairs after being rudely awoken by Nanook. Rubbing my eyes, I nodded, recalling the events of the night.

I'd met David; he seemed a tad odd.

After he'd brought me home, he basically told me he'd see me tomorrow night, which was tonight. Like I didn't have a choice but, considering I didn't have anything else to do, I'd probably end up at the Boardwalk again anyway.

"Did you," I yawned, nodding to Sam who shrugged, looking slightly glum as he did so. Rolling my eyes, I watched his mother leave before I leaned over, snatching the box of cereal. "I don't see why you let him treat you like that."

"You make me sound like a girl."

"Who says you aren't," I grinned playfully but he scowled. "I like Alan, he seems nice, they're both odd, but Alan's nice."

"Where'd you disappear to last night, anyway?" he questioned causing my nose to wrinkle as I picked some lint off my green t-shirt.

"I watched the concert," I lied.

"That bad huh?"

"What, no, the music was fine. The crowd was a little rough." He seemed satisfied with my answer and I couldn't help watching him as he finished his cereal.

"C'mon, we're gonna go to the store again," he said, standing as he took both bowels.

"I wasn't done," I trailed off but he didn't seem to care as he yanked me out the door. "Eager to see Edgar."

"Very funny," he rolled his eyes sarcastically but I couldn't help grinning. Despite the oddities of last night, I felt good; it was a little weird, but I couldn't help it.

Santa Carla was working it's magic.

"Keyna!" I heard Alan call out but it was too late, I had crashed into the display and comics were flying everywhere.

"Oh, Jesus, I'm sorry," I gushed, frantically trying to pick up the mess I'd made but someone caught my arm, pulling me out of it.

"Stand right there and don't move," Edgar muttered, before picking up the books along with his brother.

"I didn't-."

"Don't worry about it," Alan assured me, shaking his head. "I've been trying to get Edgar to move that display anyway."

"It didn't need to be moved," his brother grumbled, snatching the books from Alan before disappearing into the back room. Glancing at Sam, I jerked my head to the door but he spluttered, causing Alan to look at him.

"You alright, man?"

"Yeah, fine," Sam muttered before glaring at me but I rolled my eyes. We quite literally spent the day there; Sam sat watching Edgar help customers and occasionally attempt to hit on me, while I made faces at Alan who smiled or even laughed sometimes. Eventually, Edgar and Sam left to get food because neither Alan nor I wanted to move but as soon as they were out of site I couldn't help laughing.

"Good god, that's entertaining."

"Watching, yes, being apart of, maybe if you were Edgar, but not Sam," Alan stated, despite the small smile playing his lips.

"I really don't understand what he even sees in your brother," I sighed, quickly adding: "No offence."

"None taken," he shrugged. "Edgar can be, interesting."

"Nyeh," I shrugged, my eyes flickering to the sky. The sun was setting again but tonight, there was more pink than purple in the sky.

"Keyna," Alan called, obviously wanting my attention. "About the guy from last night."

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