Chapter Nine: Memories

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"Whoa," Alan murmured, looking around, sounding dazed and I couldn't help glancing at him.  He was adorable.  Much better than his brother.  I stiffened at the thought of Edgar. 

Stupid pig. 


"What?  Yeah, sure," I muttered, stepping forward, towards the fountain in the middle of the underground haven.  The thought of the other Frog brother made me want to rip someone's head off.  I vaguely registered David chuckling and huffed, turning back to Alan.  "Be careful.  They can get inside your head."

"Like read minds," he said and I nodded.  "Cool."

"Cool?" I repeated, hands on hips.  "Not cool, thank you.  I have no privacy from him."

"Ah," Alan nodded, his gaze flickering to David.  He took in a hesitant breath.  "How much do you know about my brother?"

"Not much," David shrugged but then looked at me, an amused smile on his lips.  "She doesn't like him, though."

"He doesn't," I started, my eyes wide.  "You don't know?"

"Know what?" he tilted his head, stepping closer.  I looked away, realizing it was just him, Marko, Alan, and me.  "What aren't you telling me?"

"I'm allowed to have secrets," I muttered, willing myself not to think about that night.  The night that made me want to vomit and smack-

"I'll find out eventually," David stated smugly but I scoffed and his eyebrows rose.  He seemed surprised.  I laughed. 

One point for me!

"Troublemaker," Marko muttered, and I realized he was talking to me.

"Me?" I scoffed but he smirked, shaking his head as he guided Alan to an empty couch.  I turned to David.  "I'm a trouble maker?"

"Eh," he seemed to consider it and I gasped, mocking being offended.  As I was about to storm off, his arm caught my waist and yanked me close to his chest.  His breath hit my ear softly and I shivered lightly, turning to face him.  "Always."

"I wouldn't expect any less," I stuck out my tongue but his lips caught mine quickly before he let me go, looking to the couches, as if to make sure no one saw our cutesy couple moment.  My eyebrows furrowed into a scowl but he gave me a small smile and I stepped closer.  "You don't always have to be the strong one."

"You wouldn't understand," he chuckled, his nose caressing mine.  He looked over my shoulder.  "Marko, what time is it?"

"Near two," he answered, turning to look at David.

"C'mon, boys," David sighed, letting our lips collide once more before he started for the mouth of the cave.

"Where're they going?" Alan asked quietly as they all gathered by the entrance. 

"I'm guessing they're hungry," I muttered, watching David closely.  He seemed to feel my stare and as the group left, he sent me a look of what seemed like assurance, but I shook my head, turning away.

"And you want to turn into one of them?" Alan questioned slowly when the boys had left.

"I never said I'd made a decision," I told him sharply but he laughed, shaking his head.  "What about you and Marko?  You two seem close."

"Yeah," he blushed lightly, ducking his head a little as he turned back to the couches, making me grin.

"You like him," I teased, poking him lightly but he jerked away and I froze.  "What was that?"

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