Chapter Thirteen: The End, For Now.

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"Keyna, you're being ridiculous," David told me quietly.  He was worried though. 

You know how I knew? 

Because I could read his thoughts.  He didn't know that though. 

"It's been three days, c'mon."

I've known how annoyed and upset and even angry he's been.  With himself and me.  If I weren't so keen on ignoring him, I'd probably find it funny.  I wasn't even angry any more.  Well, that's not entirely true. 

I just wasn't as angry.

"Keyna, I'm sorry," he murmured, trying to nuzzle against me but I didn't respond; instead, I stood, walking outside.  Moments later, Alan stood beside me, both of us watching the ocean crash against the rocks below.

"He told you he loves you yet?" I inquired quietly, feeling my voice crack a little.  Alan glanced at me, a little surprised but shook his head.

"We haven't spoken.  David's forbidden it," he mumbled and my fists balled.

"He thinks he can just fuck with everyone," I growled, glaring out at the beautiful scene.  Lightening was striking at the water, flashing through the sky, and every so often, thunder would roll over the waves, caressing the crashing foam against the cliff. 

"Why won't you talk to him?" Alan asked but I don't bother looking at him.  "You've made him sufficiently upset; I think you've made your point-."

"I'm supposed to be able to trust him, Alan," I stated, as jagged, white line hit the water.  "He's supposed to be honest with me and visa versa.  I was going to tell him I was ready.  That I wanted to be with him but now I don't have a choice."

"Maybe he thought you'd back down if you talked about it," he offered but I shook my head.

"It doesn't matter."


"Just leave it, Alan," I muttered, really wanting silence so could watch the chaotic sight.  I found myself longing for arms around me, holding me; telling me everything would be alright.  That David would never do this again; make me feel so used.  Before I knew it tears were streaming down my face and I cursed at myself for being so feminine.  It was ridiculous but I couldn't do anything to stop it.

I love you.

I turned, finding David watching me, a concentrated look marking his face and I almost collapsed but he reached forward, hugging me tightly.

"I didn't mean to hurt you," he told me, stroking my hair gently as his breath hit my ear.  "I never do, Keyna."

"I know," I nodded, pulling away to look up at him before laughing slightly.  "I feel like I'm in a corny movie."

"You're not," he smiled, brushing my hair away.  "Don't do that to me again."

"What?" I questioned, fingering his blonde hair.  He looked tender, so cute.  I loved this side of him.  When he wasn't hiding anything from me and I didn't have to work to read him.

"Block me out," he murmured, his nose caressing mine, like the thunder did the waves.  "Alright?"

"Yeah," I agreed but pulled at his hair, so he wouldn't kiss me.  He wasn't getting off that easily.  He shut his eyes. 

I'd let him in again. 

He'd heard me and the corner of my mouth rose.  I pressed my lips against his cheek, lingering longer than I probably needed to, but he let out a shaky sigh.

"Everything," he started, a determined look on his face.  "You'll know everything."

"Just about me, David," I whispered, tracing his jaw with my lower lip but he shook his head.

"I love you, Keyna," he stated, making sure our eyes connected.  "I'm going to tell you everything."

A/N: I'm like half way done with the sequel; so there's gonna be more!

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