Chapter Eight: Marko and Alan

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"What're you, skulking around my mind?" I demanded, smacking him, causing Paul to crack up laughing but David's eyes narrowed.  Shaking my head, I let out a frustrated sound before walking out the semi-circle of bikes.

"Keyna," David called after me, but despite the irked tone, I kept walking.  Why was I so annoyed?  I wasn't entirely sure myself.  Probably because he could have heard things he wasn't supposed to, but I also wanted to check on Marko and Alan.  If David was upset, he could find me through my thoughts. 


Shaking my head, I turned the corner but froze.

"What the," I mumbled quickly turning on my heel and practically sprinting back to David. 

He was like a freaking magnet.

"Finished?" he growled but my own eyes sharpened to a glare before leaning next to Marko's bike.  "Keyna."  But I still didn't answer.  I was annoyed. 

I didn't want to talk to him. 

"I can still hear your thoughts." 

Damn it!

"You couldn't of at least told me," I screeched but he stepped around the bikes, his face inches from mine as he scowled.

"You didn't tell me," he countered but I looked up at him in confusion.  His head jerked behind me causing me to shudder when I turned. 

He meant Marko and Alan.

"That's just childish," I stated, rolling my eyes but folded my arms, not liking the proximity. 

Especially with that damn glare. 

It could intimidate the pants off of anyone; I was almost positive.  The fact it was directed at me more than half the time was a little more than ironic. 

I wonder if he'd ever hit me. 

Jumping slightly at a sudden warmth, I looked back at David to see his expression had shifted into a hard one.  There was a hint of, well, I'd characterize it as tenderness, but I don't really know what it was.  His thumb stroked my cheek before he tugged my hair, the corner of his lip upturned. 

He was being playful.

I couldn't help smiling as I jumped at him, nuzzling into his neck.  When I pulled back, I noticed slight awe before he dropped his lips to cover mine.

"You're beautiful," he breathed but looked to the ground, seeming annoyed.

"David," I murmured, nodding behind him.  He turned and his fist suddenly gripped my skin.  I yelped, sending him a confused, hurt look and couldn't help noticing the flicker of concern in his eyes.

He was showing more!!  Or maybe I was better at reading.

He scowled.

Either way, I was happy and a smile slipped onto my lips before he turned back to Marko and Alan.  Resting my chin on his shoulder, I peered at the two, a content feeling warming my chest but Alan laughed.

"Well aren't you cute."

"Shut up," I muttered, pulling away from David but he glared at Alan, who took a step back.  "David?"

"What," he snapped, whipping around to look at me, his eyes softening immediately but his expression still pure anger.

"Can we get some food," I asked, my arm over my stomach but he simply glanced back at Alan before grabbing my wrist and dragging me away.

"Don't ever, ever," he turned to look at me when he said this but paused, a confused look finding its way on his face.  "What's wrong?"

"You're, uhm, my," I finally pried his hand off my wrist, rubbing the sore spot.  "I have a low pain tolerance."

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