Chapter Twelve: Turned

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The evening I woke up in more pain than I thought I would.  It was a little weird actually.  I was completely sore and I had no idea why.  I mean, there was an inkling of an idea in my mind but it wouldn't make me sore all over, would it? 

"Morning," I heard David mumble, nuzzling against my ear.

"Hey," I yawned, looking up at him and he quickly caught my lips before rolling out of bed.  Stifling a laugh, I watched him rifle around for his pants, quite enjoying the show but he turned, sending me an amused look.

"Something funny?" he inquired, slowly making his way back over.

"Funny?" I faux thought for a second before laughing when he fell next to me but recoiled when he tried to pin me.

"Keyna?"  Concern laced his tone and I realized my eyes were shut.  "You alright?"

"I don't know," I muttered, biting my lip as I rubbed my arm, as if it would expel the pain.


"Yeah," I sighed, but he merely smirked, kissing my forehead.

"You'll feel better," he assured me, getting up to resume his original task.  Probably so that none of his pack would have seen him naked.  I grinned but covered my mouth when he turned around, hands on his hips.  "Have you seen-?"

"Radiator," I chuckled, pointing behind me, beside the dresser.  He gave me funny look but walked past me, pulling on the jeans before rifling through the wooden dresser for another shirt.

"You want something to wear?"

"Yes please," I smiled, sitting up and he turned, a light blue shirt in hand but paused, his eyes not meeting mine.  Slowly, he put one foot in front of the other, making his way closer.  "May I help you?"

"May I help you," his simper made my spine tingle slightly and he dropped to his knees.  His nose caressed mine as his fingers brushed against my breast and my head dropped back at the teasing touch.

"Fuck you," I sighed but he chortled.

"Right now?"

"Shut up," I murmured, closing my mouth over his and he squeezed my breast tightly.  "Fuck."

"Hurt?" he questioned but I shook my head, taking the shirt.

"They're awake," I informed him, gesturing to the cave entrance and sure enough there they were standing.  Don't ask me how I knew, I could just tell, I guess.  I stood, looking around for my bra and found it hanging from one of the posts, smiling sheepishly at the skeptical look Alan sent me.  "Hey."

"Evening," he nodded, his eyebrow arched as he regarded me.

"Turn around, perv," I made the motion, and he did so, allowing me to realize that David left with his merry men.  I laughed at the thought, which only pushed Alan's brow further up his forehead. 

"You screwed him, didn't you?"

"Oh," I shook my head at the way he phrased it, slipping the bra on under my shirt.  "Yes, alright?  I had sex with David, is there something wrong with that?"

"Not at all," he put his hands up in a surrender fashion as he took a step back.

"It's not like you haven't with Marko anyway."

"Hey!" he yelped making me laugh.  "We haven't gone that far."

"Well, he also hasn't professed his love to you yet, has he?" I teased but his gaze shifted down with his cheeks a light pink.  "Has he?!"

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