Chapter Four: He Cares

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"Keyna," a voice called, causing me to look up from the magazine I was reading. Standing there was David's brown haired friend. The blank look on my face didn't phase but he didn't move either; so I looked back down at the article I was reading.

He moved in front of me.

"David's looking for me, isn't he," I muttered, flipping the page but he didn't say anything. "What'd you want?"

"C'mon," his hand appeared in front of the print but I merely glanced up at him again before standing; walking past him.

"Keyna!" I heard from behind me. Rolling my eyes, I turned to see Edgar running after me. "Hey, you alright?"

"What'd you think," I glared frostily, my tone equally cold as I rolled up the magazine. "Sam's pissed at me because of you. Why can't you two just talk like normal people? I really don't understand why you got me involved."

"Did you ever think that maybe I like you," he questioned but I gave him a look of doubt, my free hand resting on my hip.

"You don't like me, Edgar, you like Sam. I see the way you look at him."

"Then why'd I-?"

"Cause you're an asshole," I yelled, smacking him with the glossy, rolled-up booklet. "And if you ever," smack, "touch me again, I'll break your hand," thwack. "Alright? Just, stay away from me." With that, I threw the magazine at him, storming off in the other direction. Shaking my head, I found myself standing in front of the stage and the next act was setting up but I couldn't even bring myself to watch that.

I was so angry.

He was a jerk!

See, at first, everything was fine. Sam, Alan, Edgar, and I went to go meet Lucy, Michael, and his fiancée, Star, at the Diner, like I told her we would. It was actually really fun, in the beginning, but then Lucy, Michael, and Star left us to do what we wanted; so we just started walking around. They basically made me go on some rides and in all honesty, I didn't really mind, but after we got off of one, we all started talking. Then Alan and Sam went to get some cotton candy or something, leaving me with Edgar. I thought it'd be fine, but then, at the exact time Sam turned around, Edgar kissed me.

He kissed me.

We weren't even talking about anything remotely romantic. Music, maybe, but it was nothing that led to kissing. Too busy fuming, I didn't see someone standing directly in front of me and bashed right into them.

"Jeez, I'm-."

"Keyna," David's cool voice caused me to step back. I felt my fists ball at his tone. I didn't know if talking to him was best right now. "You seem upset."

"Is that your suave way of asking me what's wrong?" I snapped, raking my hand through my hair; my other hand on my hip, but I scoffed before turning again. He whipped me around, his eyes narrow, as he looked down at me. "Let me go, David."

"What's wrong," he bit out, seeming like he was having some internal conflict, but my gaze flickered to my wrist.

Today just wasn't my day.

"This hurts, David," I told him quietly. Stepping back, the grip loosened before his thumb ran over the tender skin. We stood, watching one another before he stepped closer, pulling my palm up to meet his lips but his eyes remained with mine. I planned on locking Edgar and Sam in a closet tomorrow. Chuckling, he dropped my hand, but his gaze dropped momentarily too.

What was he looking at?

"What happened to your knee?"

"You care," I questioned without thinking but he sent me a warning look. He made me feel so flipping helpless sometimes. "A table tripped me."

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