Chapter Ten: True Colours

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I stood, my arms folded, David's black leather jacket pressed against my skin tightly, as I refused to move.  They had been acting off all night.  It was driving me absolutely insane and I knew David knew, but he didn't acknowledge it.  He'd gone out of his way to be as nice as he could to me.  Trying to show, what I characterized as, compassion, he constantly made sure that I was okay; that I was happy.  We were doing everything I wanted to.  They'd told me it was because they just felt like it.  Like it was them accepting me.  But this. 

This was the last straw. 

He was going too far, even for him.  He knew he could push the limits; he knew he could, in all sense and purposes, be an ass and I wouldn't necessarily care because he cared.  I knew he did, but honestly, something was wrong; I wasn't going to move until he told me.

"You told him, didn't you," I demanded, my accusation thrown at Alan who seemed to shrink back.

"What?" Marko questioned, his arm firmly around my friend protectively.

"Why else wouldn't he let me go to the comic book store?" I asked incredulously.  "I mean, you don't want to go for whatever reason; so why can't I go by myself?"

"Because," David shrugged simply and I glared at him, shifting my weight to the other foot.  He smirked, sending me a challenging stare, but there was something else there.  Something that had never been there when we talked like this.

"What the hell is going on with all of you?" I yelled, not caring if people looked.  Let them, ran through my mind.  I wanted to know what had happened that made David think he could treat me like a small child. 

Even more so than usual, that is.

"Keyna," Alan started but David turned to him, glowering frostily.

"Hey," I shouted, wanting to smack him.  Where the hell did he come off treating my friend like this?

"Friend," David scoffed, his gaze directed at me now and I felt taken aback. 

His eyes were hollow.

"Yes, David," I bit out, my own eyes narrowing.  "My friend.  Alan just so happens to be my friend."

"Maybe you should rethink your judgment," he growled and I looked to the side, my lips forming a thin line.

"Ya know what," I started, cold laughter stuck in my throat as our eyes connected once more, "maybe I should."

"Keyna," Alan started again stepping forward but I shook my head, shedding the black leather and throwing it at the blonde.

"Forget it, Alan," I muttered, stalking past David but he moved to grab me.  Yanking my wrist away, I kept walking, forcing my vision to stay forward. 

Finally, I found myself at Alan and Edgar's store.

"Sam?" I called, my voice weak and found him looking at me from behind the counter.

"Keyna?" he questioned slowly, standing as he buttoned his shirt.  I stood, watching as he made his way closer but as he got to me, my legs gave out.  He caught me, practically falling to the ground as he did so and I buried my face into his chest. 

My eyes were dry though.

"What happened?" Edgar's deep voice filled my ears and I couldn't help squirming a little but twisted to look up at Sam.  He looked worried and I let out a sigh, smiling slightly as I sat up but didn't have the energy to stand yet.

"Didn't get much sleep, I guess," I lied but both gave me looks of doubt.  Something caught Edgar's eyes as he looked to the side and his form went rigid.

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