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Friday, November 3rd

Camila's House

6:00 a.m

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I try my best to ignore it but it's no use. The ringtone echoes through my head. After a few minutes of lying in my bed I get up and answer my phone.

"Hello?" I say as I rub my eyes.

"Camila sweet how are you?" I hear my mom say from the other end of the call.

"Mom! I'm good. How is the trip?" I ask. Hearing her voice made me feel at ease.

"I'm so sorry. I completely forgot about the different time zones. I'll call you later bye!" she quickly yells through the phone. I know that the real reason she hung up so quickly was because she probably had a work call.

I decided to get up and get ready for school. After taking a quick shower I decided to wear my Ed Sheeran hoodie with some ripped jeans and my white converse. I blow dry my hair to make sure it's somewhat dry. I quickly went to go check my phone and saw that I had ten missed calls from Chris.


I called him back but it went straight to voicemail. There could be only two reasons for that, he's either declining my calls or his phone is dead. I decide to actually make myself a breakfast this morning. I made some pancakes and ate them in less than ten minutes. It's only 7 am and I have already done everything I needed to do. All of my homework is done, I'm dressed, Ive eaten breakfast, and the house is clean. There is nothing left to do but I don't have to be at school for at least another hour. My phone rings again and I quickly run at answer.

"Cami!" I hear Chris yell.

"Hey dude"

"How have you been? Is everything okay?" he asks.

"Yup everything is perfect"

"Oka-" he begins to say but then I hear Lucy yell in the background. She begins to yell at him for making her wait in the car. He's about an hour ahead of me so he should've been at school again.

"Late for school again?"

"You know me so well. I have to go. Love you. Bye!"

"Love you too. Bye" I say and then hang up.

I walk into the living room and decide to take a quick nap. My eyes quickly shut and soon all I see is darkness.


Camila's House

12:17 p.m

My eyelids flutter open and quickly dark to the clock on the wall.

I'm late!!!

I jump off the couch and sprint up the stairs. I grab my bag and run out the door.

Great! I don't even wanna know what's gonna happen once I get to school


Cambull High

12:53 p.m

After a few minutes of running I finally reach the school. I open the doors only to have the security guard stop me.

"You're late" he says sternly as he crosses his arms in front of his chest.

"I'm sorry" I say as I avoid eye contact.

"Office. Now."

I don't hesitate to make my way into the office. I sign in on the clipboard. After a few minutes of waiting the assistant principal finally motions for me to go into his office.

"Please sit" he says as he sits behind his desk. As soon as I sit he begins to talk. "I'm aware that you've been late a good amount of days" I nod my head in response. "That's unacceptable here"

"It won't happen again"

"You're right because if it does you'll find yourself in detention for a month for every single time you've been late to school" he says as he fiddles with a pen. I stand up in shock, accidentally pushing the chair back.

"I'm sorry but isn't that a little harsh?" I say but I quickly regret it as I see him glare at me. If looks could kill I would've been dead. He must be related to Savannah. I fix the chair and put it in the same position it was in when I first enter his office. "It won't happen again" I watch as the assistant principal gets up and opens the door.

"You can leave" he says as he motions for me to leave. I take my chance to run out the door. Unfortunately for me, I find myself in the school's lunchroom.

It's like the icing on top of a cake

I reach my hands out to push the doors open but they don't reach the doors all the way.

"You're here" I turn to see Austin holding a can of juice in his hands. His platinum blonde hair is the same, he has it messily slicked back but I'm a nice way. His blue eyes are as blue as the ocean and as cold as ice. "I'm really sorry about Savannah" he apologizes for the millionth time.

"It's fine really" I say as I hold my hands up. He shows a small smile but it quickly fades when he sees me look through the door window into the lunch room.

"I should get going now" he reaches for the door and opens it.

"Austin" he stops hallway through the door and turns to look at me. I have no idea why I just said his name but when I saw him leaving I began to panic. "We should work on the project again"

"My house. Today after school" I nod in agreement to what he suggested. I feel a smile creep onto my face but it quickly fades as I remember the other time he invited me to his house to work on the project...he never showed up. He must of remembered too because he stared at his feet. I open my mouth to say something but I can't seem to find the right words to say. He knows exactly what I was think because his next words reassured me that this time things were going to be different. "Wait for me after school and we could walk together"


Something about him seems different. I'm not sure what it is exactly but I like it. He's done something I never thought he'd do...

He's proven me wrong.

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