Epilogue: Camila

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May 31, 2018: Thursday

Cambull High

12:50 p.m.

I open my locker and exchange my morning class books for the ones for my afternoon classes. My phone vibrates in my pocket as I finishing closing my backpack. I reach for my phone and read the text from my mom.

Got another business trip. But if you want I could stay :)

Without a second thought I call my mom and she picks up right away almost as if she was waiting for my call.

"Hello?" she says acting as if she didn't know who was calling.

"Mom..." I begin to say but my voice trails off as I hear my voice lose its consistency. I take a deep breath and collect my thoughts before I continue. "You can't keep putting off work because of me. It's been months since it's happened and I'm fine now."

"Camila, I just don't want to risk anything happening to you again. I won't be able to forgive myself" she says. Although I can only hear voice, I can see her fidgeting with a pen as a tear streams down her face. She tries to hide it but I know she's crying.

"I love you mom, but I'm fine. I have Austin-" I begin to say but she cuts me off.

"Don't let your dad hear you say that" she says as she begins to laugh. I smile at the thought of when dad first officially met Austin, not as a friend but as my boyfriend.


"Dad, this is Austin..my boyfriend" I say as I hold Austin's hand in front of my parents who are sitting on one of the couches.

My dad quickly straightens his back and looks Austin dead in the eyes. I can feel Austin tense up a bit next to me, which makes me release a small laugh.

"Austin." dad says as he gets up from the couch and stands in front of Austin now. Although Austin is tall, dad beats him at least an inch.

"Oh honey please leave the boy alone before I let him know how you almost ran out the door when you met my father" mom says as she stands next to dad.

Without a second thought dad pulls Austin into a hug. "Welcome!"

End of Flashback

"He'll never change will he?" I say.

"No" she says as she lets out another laugh.

"Mom...go on that business trip. For me?" I bite my lip out of how nervous I am. Mom and dad haven't been on a business trip after what happened with Wilder. I don't want to hold them back anymore.

The shock of the feeling of arms wrapping around my waist causes me to flinch, but as soon as I recognize the touch I melt into the embrace.

"Mom we'll talk as soon as I get home. I have to go. Bye!" I say before I hang up.

I turn around only to be met by Austin's ocean blue eyes. He closes my locker door and gently pushes me backwards until my back is against the wall.

Being with Austin has allowed me to figure out what a real relationship is like. We're both equals and we both respect each other. In a relationship there is suppose to be support from both sides and the most important thing-


I realized I loved him after he showed up at my house the night of incident. He was someone I never want to let go and he is someone I know I can trust with my life.

He leans down toward me and I close my eyes as I await the kiss. At first it's gentle but I craved it more than anything in the world. His touch made me feel safe and his kiss made me feel alive. I wrap my arms around his and pull him closer, deepening the kiss. I bite his lip and I can feel as he bring she hands up to my face.

"Get a room you two" we hear someone say down the hallway. We stop and turn our heads to see Brandon walking towards us with some of the soccer players. "Seriously you're in school. Save that stuff until you're at home." Brandon says as he walks closer towards us. "So there's a party tonight and your presence has been requested" he says as he mockingly bows to us.

Austin and I were crowned prom king and queen. Ever since then we've been invited to every single party. Although Austin loves going to parties, he hasn't been going because according to him there is no point in going if I'm not that. I've tried to convince him to go without me but instead he shows up at my house and refuses to get off my bed. I know that this is the last party before we graduate and I couldn't bring myself to letting Austin miss it.

"We should go" I say as I gently tug on his shirt. He gives me a confused look but I look towards Brandon instead. "We're going" I say with a smile.

It doesn't take long for the news of me and Austin going to the party to spread throughout the school. As we sit next to each other in the cafeteria we can hear people whisper around us. It's not the first time people watch my every move but this time it's completely different.

"Why did you say yes?" Austin asks as he stops eating his chips and directs his attention towards me. I look around the cafeteria acting as if my wandering eyes had a purpose. "Camila." he says with a stern voice.

"Okay." I say, finally giving in. "I can't let you miss the last party of your senior year"

Before he can say anything, his phone starts vibrating because of an incoming call. He picks up the phone but keeps his eyes on mine.

"Hello" he says into the phone.

"Yes that's me."

"Really?" he says in a shocked tone as his eyebrows are raised.

"That's great news. Thank you so much for this opportunity." he says before he ends the call and stares at me once again. We were so busy looking at each other that we didn't notice when Brandon sat down at the table.

"What's up?" he asks causing me and Austin to break eye contact.

"Um.." Austin's voice trails off as he looks down at his phone.

"Austin." I say with a stern voice. "What is it?" I ask. I want him to answer but at the same time his hesitation makes me think I don't want to hear his answer.

"I got the modeling job." he says as he looks right at me.


Thank you so much for reading my book!!!! I wrote this a while ago and after some thinking I decided to release this chapter.

Although I've thought of writing a sequel I'm still not sure on whether I should or not. I would really like to hear your thoughts so feel free to comment :)

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