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Thursday, November 9th

Camila's House

5:10 p.m 

I sit on my bed unable to do anything. My phone rings but I ignore the rings that bounce off the walls and come crashing down on me. I feel trapped in my room although there is nothing physically holding me prisoner in here. I know it's all in my mind but my mind has already taken control of my whole body. The thought of moving was all too much for me. I tried not to but all I could think about was Austin. At first all I could think about was the kiss we shared yesterday, but when I focus on his face all I see it the confusion and worry that flashed through his eyes when he saw my bruises. I was finally able to see past the surface of his ocean blue eyes, but when I stared into them earlier, I couldn't see anything. 

I spend hours staring at the wall or the ceiling, basically anything in my room that wouldn't require me to do anything. I lose track of time and the sound of my laptop screen lighting up takes me out of my trance. Chris' name flashes on the screen, but I don't move. My eyes feel heavier as time goes by and find myself falling asleep.


Friday, November 10th

Camila's House

1:00 a.m

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing for what seems like the millionth time. Surprisingly I wake up with a new desire or need than I had before I went to sleep. I found myself downstairs, in front of my parents' liquor cabinet. I grab a bottle, an extra glass cup, and twist the cap open as I walk back to my room. My phone rings once again, but this time I decide to answer the call and put it on speaker. 

"Camila?! Why didn't you answer my call?" Chris says through the phone. 

"Because I didn't want to" I say bluntly. 

"Are you serious right now? What's with the attitude?" the tone in his voice has changed, he's slowly losing patience. I stay silent as I try to pour some of the liquor into the cup but I accidentally drop the cup and it shatters on the floor. 

"Oh shoot" 

"Camila?...Camila?! What was that?" Chris asks frantically. 

"I'm sorry I have to go Chris" I go to hang up the call.

"Camila don't. If you press that button, I myself will drive to your house right now and that way you won't be able to get rid of me" I hesitate as my finger hovers over the button that could end the call. "What happened?" he asks one more time, but with patience. I can't cause anymore trouble. 

"Nothing. I dropped accidentally dropped a glass cup and it broke" I told him the truth...or at least part of it. "Look I have to go my mom is calling me bye" I lie and hang up before he has a chance to say anything else. 

Staring between the bottle in my hand and the broken glass on the floor, my mind goes crazy and then it suddenly stops. Everything seems to go silent, and all I can hear is my heart beating against my chest. As long as it keeps pumping blood through my veins, I'm still alive. But I keep on going back to the past events. Austin and I kissed. Wilder is back. Austin knows. 

He knows. 

Austin's face when he saw my bruises keeps on replaying in my mind. There is no way of me knowing if he'll listen to me and keep it a secret. 


I decide to drink straight from the bottle, hoping to get rid of all of my memories, past mistakes, regrets, but most of all, all of the stress. I keep on drinking until I finish the bottle, not leaving a drop of liquor. I feel numb but alive at the same time. It's been a while since I've felt like this, I have almost missed the thrill I get of not caring.

After a few more drinks, I find myself sitting on the roof of my house staring over the town. This place is nothing like home or my old home. I haven't even bother remembering the name of this place. I never wanted to come here, here everyone knows you and the judge. 

Oh no. I'm beginning to sober up..

Although I don't want to I can't help but continue on thinking. I've seen the way people would stare at Chris, I'm not sure why. Maybe it had something to do with his tattoos and the fact that he owns a motorcycle. But none of that should even matter, even though he looks like trouble, he's actually a really nice guy who cares deeply for those close to him. 

Austin, with him it's a whole different story. Every time someone looks at him, they see him as the straight A student, perfect athlete, perfect son, and perfect boyfriend. We haven't been friends for long, but I do know one thing. He tries his best to be the person everyone thinks he is and it shouldn't be that way. He should be allowed to be whoever he wants to be and most of all, he shouldn't get judged for it. He needs to figure out how to be more decisive and figure out what he wants. 

"Cami!" a voice snaps me out of my thoughts and although it sounds familiar I deny the possibly of it actually being him. "What are you doing up there?!" he yells again. I peek over the edge to see Chris standing at my front doorstep, with a bottle in his hand. 

"Shut up and come up here!" I yell and I motion for him to come up. He enters my house and after few seconds he's sitting next to me, bottle in hand. 

"You seem like you've had a lot to drink" Chris says as he looks me over, but I just nod my head. "You should've waited for me, I myself need a drink"

"And here I thought you came over here to tell me not to drink" I tease. 

"Normally yes, but" he take a small pause before he shines his phone light over the bottle. "I brought horchata!" 

"What? I thought- I thought you brought beer or something like that" 

"Well you thought wrong. I haven't had a sip of alcohol in a while, it's almost been two months" you can hear how proud he is in his voice. 

"Well at least that makes one of us"

"You shouldn't be drinking" he says as he hands me the bottle of horchata. I take a sip and it's surprisingly good.

"Wow" I say sarcastically as I hand him back the bottle. I hate myself for it, but I can be stubborn and there is no way that I'm about to let Chris know that the horchata tastes better than the drinks I had earlier. 

"You're stubborn, but you've left me no choice" the small pause he takes makes me jump to conclusions about what he's planning on doing. My biggest fear is for him to tell my parents.

He wouldn't...would he?

"I'm staying here to keep an eye on you" he says with a smile plastered on his face.

"What?! What about your school?" I couldn't believe a single word of what he just said.

"Relax. I have a week vacation from school"

Great. Just great.




If you've made it this far in the book, thank you sooo much!

Please let me know what you think of the story so far

This is just the beginning for Austin and Camila

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