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Saturday, October 21st

Camila's House

8:30 p.m

I had just finished talking to Chris and decided to quickly get ready. I was suppose to be ready ten minutes ago but Chris went on and on about the girl he likes. I saw how happy he looked and decided to listen. From what I heard she sounds like a nice girl, except Chris doesn't want me to meet her yet.

I look in the mirror to check my outfit looks okay. Since I didn't know exactly where I was going I decided on wearing a grey cropped tank top, jean shorts, a cardigan, and my white converse high tops. My hair is wavy and loose.

The door bell ringing takes my attention from the mirror. I grab my bag and phone and run down the stairs. I open the door to see Luke wearing a plain white t-shirt with a leather jacket, black jeans, and wear have the same shoes on. His platinum blonde hair is long and slicked back with just the right amount of messy.

"Are you copying me Stein?" he asks as he directly a look at my shoes.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Park" I say as I close the door behind me. He drapes his arm around my shoulders as he leads me towards his car. Once in the car I turn to look at him. "So where are we going?"

"We are going to a party" my eyes widen in shock and I can see the amusement that crosses his face. "Don't worry I'll make suer you have fun" he says as he speeds off down the road.

What have I gotten myself into?!


Random House

9:00 p.m

I look out the window to see a huge house with lights on and people everyone. There are some people on the front yard drinking and seem to be having fun. Luke opens the door and pulls me out of the car. I try to hold onto the door but he forces me to let go of the car door so he can close it.

"I don't want to be here" I say as I cross my arms over my chest. Luke makes a pout and gives me puppy dog eyes. "That's not going to work on me" I turn my head away from him.

"Look it seems like you've been having a hard time lately so I thought you should let loose a little" I stare at him still not budging. "I promise to stay sober and to make sure you stay out of trouble" he says sincerely. I look into his eyes and see that he's being honest.



Random House

9:00 p.m

"Camila I think you've had enough" Luke says as he yanks the cup out of my hands.

"What do you mean? This is nothing close to as much as I've drank before" I laugh.

"Let's get you up to a room" he says as he swings one of my arms over his shoulders and helps me walk.

The last thing I remember is walking into a room and thinking I saw someone. I don't know if he was actually here or not but that fucked me up. I lost it and decided to drink to my hearts content...or until I just couldn't take it anymore. The worst part about me being drunk is that I know what I'm saying and doing but I tend to say stuff that aren't suppose to be said. I'm brutally honest.

Luke carefully helps me up the stairs and leads me to a room. He hands me a bottle of water which a thankfully take.

"You need to sober up" I nod my head din agreement with what he said. I look down at the bed I'm sitting on and observe how soft the blanket is.

The room looked nice and the last thing I wanted to do was ruin it. I suddenly felt the urge to throw up and quickly ran to the bathroom. Luke followed me and held my hair back as I threw up into the toilet.

"I'm never drinking again" I say as I continue to throw up.

"You and me both" I look at Luke through the mirror and see him trying his best to comfort me. He gently rubs circles on my back as I throw up.

After a few minutes of making sure I was done we found ourselves sitting by the window in the same room. I look at Luke to see that he's already looking at me.

"Camila, what's wrong?" he asks. I look into his eyes which are as green as a forest and automatically get lost. The way the moon reflects off of them is amazing.

"You won't believe me" I say as I manage to rip my gaze away form his eyes, looking down at my hands fiddle with the sleeve of my cardigan.

"Try me"

"Well for starters I have a stalker who took pictures of me at school, walking home, and in my room. This person knows where I live. They threatened me to stay away from Austin" I confess. In my mind I'm yelling at myself for telling him about the stacker but secretly applauding myself for being able to hold back the biggest secret. I may be drunk but I'm sober enough to hold back some stuff that cannot be said. I look up and see Luke staring at me in shock. "I knew you wouldn't believe me"

"C'mon. Let's get you home" he says as he leads me out of the house. He helps me in his car and quickly gets into the drivers side. I watch as he turns the car on and gets ready to drive. My eyes slowly force themselves shut and I feel my breathing become even.


Sunday, October 22nd

2:00 p.m

I open slowly open my eyes and try to get them use to the light coming into my room. As soon as I can sed, I look around and see that I'm in my room tucked in my bed. Memories from yesterday pass through my mind, but I can't seem to remember how I got here. The last thing I remember is Luke helping me get in his car.

He must of done this.

I try to get up but I feel my head pounding.

Ugh. I have a hangover.

I crawl back into my bed and go back to sleep. Luckily for me it's Sunday and I don't have to worry about school until tomorrow.

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