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Wednesday, December 6th

Camila's House

11:00 pm

I look at myself through the mirror, hoping to see the person I worked so hard to become, the person I wish I had the strength to be. But all I see is the girl from before. The girl who let herself get hurt, the girl who was too scared to ask for help. The weak and vulnerable girl who let people destroy her until there was almost nothing left.

My hair remains with it's lilac purple color.

The sound of my ringtone make me slightly flinch. I slowly walk up to my phone to see that it's just my mom calling me.

"Hi Camila, how are you?" she asks as I put the call on speaker.

"I'm fine mom. How is the work trip?"

"It's great! Well except for the part in which you're on the other side of the wor-" she doesn't even finish saying the last word because she begins to sob. It takes a few seconds before she manage to speak again. "I'm sorry. I told your dad that I wouldn't cry if he let me call you"

"It's okay mom..really, I'm fine."

"Okay. So how is that Austin boy?"

I take a while to think about exactly what I want to tell her. "He's alright" I give a short and plain response. "Chris came to visit the other day. He wanted to tell you that he misses you guys"

Lies. Telling lies seems to be all I'm good at now a days. I didn't want to lie to my parents but the last thing I want to do is worry them and make them feel useless since we're on opposite sides of the world.

After that we talk for a while about school and I ask them a few questions about their job and how they're doing. Then I talked to my dad about college and he tried not to sound mad but he's upset that I didn't do any early actions. But after a while of him giving me a lecture on how important college is, we talked normally.

"Off to bed" I say as I push aside my backpack and slip under the covers.


Thursday, December 7th

Cambull High

9:00 am

After spending half an hour at the attendance office, I walk into class to see Mr. Harrison standing at the front of the class. He stops his lecture to look at me and motions for me to sit in the empty seat right in front of him. I look towards the back to see that there is someone else in my seat.

"Welcome back Ms. Stein, this will be your new seat for the rest of the school year"

I quickly sit in the seat and try my best to make eye contact with anyone else.

"As I was saying. I've been thinking about the project I made you all start. I want to change it. From now on you are to think of one person that you think has had a strong impact in your life. Now don't worry, the deadline will be January 31st, but I can't remember if that was the original deadline or not. Whatever, you have a little over a month"

I raise my hand quietly. "So we don't have to work with our partner's anymore?"

"You will still work with your partner's. From now on, your partner's will help you discover who that person is"

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