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Emily's pov

I drag my crumbling legs into the ambulance, 3 paramedics surrounding Alison, shouting words I don't understand. Their words echoing as a buzz. My friends calling out to me as the ambulance doors close. I fall into a seat next to Alison gripping onto her hand fearful to let go.

"You don't look well Ms. Fields do you need someone to look at you?"

I shake my head, she needs to help Ali not me

"Okay. What's with your friends and shootings?" another paramedic laughs, trying to lighten the mood but his inappropriate joke makes my blood boil

"Excuse me?" I ask

"Well aren't you friends with Ezra Fitz and Caleb Rivers oh at that Spencer Hastings girl, she was shot a few years ago. I remember hearing about it. She almost died, luckily for her she was shot in the shoulder and it wasn't somewhere too life threatening... like" he turns to Alison "well like your wife here"

"If you don't shut up it'll be your life that's in danger" I yell, throwing my hands towards his throat

I stop myself just as the tip of my nail scrapes his neck, he needs to be alive, to give Alison her best chance. We arrive at the hospital and Alison is wheeled into theatre, I do my best to stay beside her the whole time but I eventually get pushed away by a doctor.

"Emily" I hear a voice shout

"Jason?" His hair is even longer and he looks like a hobo

"I heard what happened. Our dad... Ali's dad is coming soon"

I sit beside Jason, anxiously waiting for Alison to return

"Mrs DiLaurentis?"

I stand up and walk towards the nurse, picking my nails as I walk. My mouth is dry and my whole body is shaking.

"Your wife is out of surgery"

I run into her hospital room, Jason and Kennith slowly follow me

"Alison" I shout, as I push the door open

She has been put into an induced coma and is wired to a life support machine

"She lost a lot of blood but we successfully took the bullet out and have stoped the internal bleeding"

"Thank you Doctor and roughly how much is this going to cost?" Kennith asks

"How much is this going to cost? Are you fucking kidding me, your daughter almost died and all you care about is money. You know what just leave" I scream

He looks at me shocked by my reaction

"Get out!" I shriek

Kennith leaves and drags Jason out with him

"Alison please come back to me. Don't give up. Lily and Grace need their mommy" I whisper, stroking her cheek

"Does Emily need her mommy?" My mom asks, chapping on the door frame

"Mom" Cry, pulling her into a tight hug

"How is she?"

"She's stable"

"Emmy she'll be fine. She's a strong woman"

My mom walks over to Alison and holds her hand; she sits in the seat I had previously been sitting on

"Hello Alison, its Pam here"

"You're not leaving a voicemail Pam. Get a grip" she mutters to herself

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