Broken Bone

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Shay is gorgeous😍 I like to imagine that Alison took this photo after a family day out to celebrate pride month🏳️‍🌈🙌🏻
(7th June 2018)

Emily's pov

"Em, I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry too Toby, I didn't mean what I said. I know that you loved..."

•••••••••••3 1/2 hours earlier•••••••••••

"Aria is definitely the player of this group" Hanna laughs

"No it's definitely Em" Toby drunkenly laughs

"How am I the player?" I question, slightly annoyed

"You've cheated on all your girlfriends?"

"She didn't cheat on Alison" Hanna bluntly remarks, sticking up for her "OTP"

"Uck we all know Ali's a rebound from Paige" Toby laughs

"I was a rebound? From Paige? The man?" Alison giggles, burying her head in my neck

"Toby you can't talk about rebounds. What was Yvonne? Wasn't she just a rebound from Spencer? I mean you say the crash was an accident although A probably planned it, and you can't deny that you aren't at least a bit glad she's dead" I drunkenly slur, trying to get back at him for calling Alison a rebound

"Oh just like AD planned Alison's pregnancy. Do Lily and Grace know they weren't wanted? Do they know who their daddy is and how they were conceived?" Toby asks in rage

"What about our daddy?" Grace asks as she and Lily emerge from their bedroom

"Girls what are you doing up?" Alison panics, racing over to them

"We wanted to see Aunt Hanna" Lily admits as her eyes fill with tears "We weren't wanted?" She continues, her lip begins to quiver before she bursts into hysterically crying. She loses her breath as she has a panic attack over the thought that her mommies didn't want her

"What about our dad?" Grace asks me again as Alison continues to calm Lily down before she passes out due to a lack of oxygen

Ali's pov

"You asshole" Emily screams, swinging her arm backwards before smashing her hand into Toby's cheek

"Don't touch my husband. Em we've fought before and if it wasn't for those prison guards you would've been in hospital; but guess what they aren't here this time" Spencer threatens Emily before shoving her away from her and Toby

Spencer's push sends Emily stumbling backwards, the bottom of her legs hit into Snow, sending Emily tumbling onto the floor. As she falls Emily bends her right arm and throws it behind her body causing it to snap as it smashes off the ground. The room falls silent for a second before Emily's screams of pain fill the air

"Fuck" Spencer screams, falling to her knees beside Emily

Lily, Grace and I race over to her side

"Babe are you okay?" I ask, stroking her head

"I think it's broken" Em screams in pain

"She needs to go to the hospital" Hanna cries

"I'm so sorry" Spencer cries as she hugs Emily

I wrap Emily's left arm over my shoulders and using all my strength I pull her onto her feet

"Come on babe, let's get you to the hospital"

"Caleb and I will stay here a look after the kids. When is Emerson due his next bottle?"

"Thanks Hanna. He's due another bottle in an hour"

"We are coming with you" Spencer says, dragging Toby behind her

Emily's pov

"Em, I'm sorry" Toby whispers as I wait to be seen

"I'm sorry too Toby, I didn't mean what I said. I know that you loved..."

"...Yvonne, I know. I obviously didn't mean what I said either. I'm sorry that my psychotic wife broke your arm" He laughs, throwing his arm around my shoulder

"It wasn't her fault. I just hope Snow is okay" I giggle

"Snow is fine, Hanna texted. Emily I am actually really sorry"

"I know, I love you too"

Toby blushes as I realise that his apology is his way to tell me that he loves me. Throughout the years Toby has always been there for me, and today he has waited at the Hospital for 3 hours with me as I await a plaster cast on my arm.

"Emily Fields-DiLaurentis" a nurse calls

"Have you had an x-ray?"

"Yeah" I awkwardly reply

We walk in silence to the plaster room. Once we arrive I sit on the edge of the bed as he gets the plaster ready

"How did you brake your elbow?" he asks as he wraps the plaster from under my shoulder to my wrist

"My friend pushed me" I laugh

"Well your friend will be glad to know that you have a type one fracture, meaning that your bone has broken but it is still in the correct place. So you shouldn't need the cast on for too long. You'll probably have it for about four to six weeks"

"Yeah I'm not gonna tell Spencer that. I'm going to milk it for as long as I can"

"Sorry you're going to what?"

"Milk it. I mean that I'm going to make her feel guilty for as long as I can so that she buys me things" I giggle

"Good luck with that. I'll see you in two weeks for a checkup Mrs Fields-DiLaurentis"

"Thanks" I smile as he finishes tying a knot at the back of my sling which is holding up my full arm cast

Ali's pov

The plaster cast room door opens and I jump to my feet running straight over to my wife. I widen my stance as I reach towards her for a hug. Emily flinches back, swinging her broken arm away from me

"Shit" Spencer emotionlessly mutters before rushing over to Emily to apologise

"I am so sorry. I'm the worst fucking friend in the world"

"Spencer you are definitely not the worst friend, I mean how many times have you literally saved my life?"

"I broke your arm"

"Because I was a bitch" Emily laughs

"You were only a bitch because of Toby. Just cause he's a cop he thinks he can say whatever he wants" I complain

"Ali it's okay. I forgive him" Emily smiles, trying to reassure me

"Well I've not" I frown, releasing bitchy Ali from her cage

As I curse and swear at Toby for calling me a rebound and causing my wife pain, a security guard walks towards us, asking us to leave the hospital

"We are leaving, get your dirty hands off me" I complain, smacking the security guard's hand off my arm

Emily's pov

"Em are you asleep?"

"No why?" I ask, turning onto my right side to face her

"I was just wondering, since you have the cast on does that mean we can't have sex anymore?"

"Is that all you think about?" I giggle

"No of course not" Alison cheekily smirks, tracing the tips of her fingertips along my arm

"Goodnight Alison"

"Night Emily" She laughs, kissing my shoulder before turning her bedside lamp off

This chapter was inspired by @Rucas4Life123

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