Girls locker room

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Emily's pov

It is Alison's first day back at school since the shooting, she is excited to go back but my anxiety makes me want to wrap her up in a blanket and never let my favourite blonde out of my sight. We go through our morning routine, drop the girls at school and then drive to the brew to get coffees.

"Are you nervous ?"

"What to face a couple of hormonal teenager ? Not at all. I'll be fine Em don't worry"

She kisses me goodbye and shuffles to her classroom. Walking through the school to the swimming pool, all I can think about is Alison. Maybe it's too early for her to go back. What if something happens to her? What if seeing teenagers brings back horrible memories? Emily she'll be fine your wife is strong, she can deal with anything, I think to myself.

Ali's pov

Okay Alison you can do this, nothing to worry about. Fuck. I have Addison's old class first thing.

The class walk in and the voice in my head begins to freak out.

"Good morning class"

"Ms" a boy in the back shouts

"Yes Ryan?"

"How does it feel to be shot by a student? Was it cause she thought you were a shit teacher?"

"Ryan! Language. And that is highly inappropriate. I don't want any of you questioning me on my recent absence" I reply, trying to sound like a responsible adult

Throughout the day I could hear whispers in the class but I just ignored them. If I was in high school and one of my teachers were shot I'd definitely be talking about it, to be honest I'd probably be the one pulling the trigger, I was a bitch in high school.

Emily's pov

At the end of the day I receive a text from Alison

'Where are you gorgeous ?'

           'In the library. Where are you ?'    

'Meet me in the girls locker room'

I walk down the empty corridor, towards the girls' locker room. The doors swing open and I see Alison standing at the showers in a towel

"Are you going for a shower or something ?" I laugh

"Something" she replies, unwrapping the towel

"Ali. What if someone walks in?"

"Then they'll see two naked teachers"

"Two?" I giggle

Alison walks forward and begins to undress me

"Ali, someone might see" I laugh, pushing her away

"That's what makes it more exciting, but if you don't want to" she smirks, knowing I can't resist her

I kiss her, she grabs my hand and begins to walk towards one of the showers

"Wait Alison, I've got a better idea"
I pull off the rest of my clothes, run towards the pool and dive in off the diving board

"Skinny dipping in the pool? I knew there was something different about you Emily" she giggles, jumping into the swimming pool

I swim over to her and softly kiss her again, she strokes my wet hair and runs her hand down my spine.

"Ali did you hear that?"

"Shh Emily. I'm trying to create a vibe here and it definitely is not sweet" she laughs, mocking me

"Shut up Alison" I giggle splashing water in her face "I mean it, I heard something"

The sound of feet bouncing off the ground increases, they become faster and closer

"Em what do we do?" Alison says nervously

"How long can you hold your breath?"

Alison jumps out the pool, water slides off her naked body

"Ali" I shout in a whisper

I follow suit and jump out of the pool, the pitter patter of my own steps make me anxious. I run through the boys' locker room and a hand grabs my arm, it's pitch dark and I scream in fear. One hand cups my mouth to stop my screams; the other is cupping my breast, I can feel my back pushing against the other persons wet body

"It's okay Em, is only me"

I twist around and Alison's hands move to my back; one had rests against my shoulder blades, the other on my lower back. I quietly giggle

"Shhhh" she laughs

She kisses my shoulder trying to stop her from hysterically laughing

"How are we going to get out here? What about our clothes? What about the girls?" I giggle

She lifts me up, wrapping her arms around my legs just below my butt. She kisses my collarbone and places me back onto the cold locker room floor. I throw her against a wall and we kiss passionately not stopping to take a breath, her hands running up and down my body.

"I think it's time to go home" Ali gasps, slumped against the light blue tiled wall

Ali's pov

Emily is fully clothed again she is packing away her swimming equipment. I'm stood at the locker we hid our clothes in, towel drying my hair, wearing only my underpants. As I pick my bra out of the locker, I flash back to that day in the girls' locker room

"Have you seen this? I got it in a French catalog. They have them in like every color" I said, showing Emily my white lacey bra

"Do me a favour, hook it for me would you?" I asked. Emily gave me a soft smile as she nodded

She pulled my hair back and hooked the claps of my bra, my heart began to race. I couldn't believe I was flirting with a girl. Emily placed her hand on my shoulder and pulled her hair back, she gently kissed my neck and I panicked, shouting at her.

"Where are you going? You're my ride. Remember?" even before I said the words I regretted them but I couldn't help myself. She fell into the locker, as I icily stared at her I could see her heart shatter into a million pieces. A blink brought me back to reality. Maybe I could have a redo of that moment.

I throw my bra straps onto my shoulder and I can hear Emily's breath grow deeper, she is thinking of that day too.

"Do me a favour, hook it for me would you?" I ask. Emily gives me a soft smile as she nods, just as she did that day

Emily walks towards me, her tanned petite hand pushing my hair over my shoulder. She slowly hooks my bra placing her hand onto my shoulder. I close my eyes waiting for her to pull her hair away from her face and for her smooth moisturised lips to kiss my neck. She kisses my neck and I swear I can hear her heart that had shattered in the girls' locker room becoming whole again

"I love you Emily"

"I love you too Alison"

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