Sexy Shark

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Ali's pov

Emily walks into our room, lifting her legs off the floor, she flops onto the bed before letting out a loud sigh

"God what was that for?"

"I don't want to leave"

"Emily, me and the girls will be fine" I tell her as I fold clothes into a suitcase for her

"You might be, but I don't think I will be"

"I'll miss you" She says with a petted lip

"Aww poor baby" I laugh

"Alison I'm being serious, we've not been separated for a whole week. I'll miss you"

Emily closes her eyes and spreads her body across the bed, sighing again

"Babe, you don't need to miss us. We will be there with you, in here" I tell her, placing my hand on her heart

"Em you need to go for the competition. When you get back in seven days we will still be here. I promise"

"So you won't miss me at all?"

"Not really. I could do with a break" I snigger, sitting on the bed beside her

"Of course I will miss you" I admit "I'll miss you like hell. I already miss you and you haven't even left yet, but I know that in six days, twenty three hours and twenty eight minutes you will be back in my arms"

"Shut up, you made those numbers up"

"No I didn't. I need to be separated from you while you are away coaching but I'm not being away from my drop dead gorgeous wife any longer than I have to be. Why'd you think I came to see you when I was missing?"

"Money?" She laughs

"No" I bluntly reply "It was because I couldn't keep myself away from the love of my life"

"Now get up and pack for your trip"

Emily's pov

"Now get up and pack for your trip"

"Okay Mom" I snigger, standing up from the bed

"Mom?" She questions

She slowly pushes herself off the bed and all emotion dissolves from her face, before the corner of her mouth subtly twitches into a smirk

"Would your mom do this?" She asks, slamming my body against the wall as she passionately kisses me

I push Alison off me as she suffocates me with kisses

"Well my mom would definitely not do that" I awkwardly laugh, smiling breathlessly

Alison places both her hand onto the wall as her eyes trace up and down my body. She delicately kisses me again before pushing her body off of mine

"Now get ready, and we'll finish this when you get home" she sexily whispers

"Why wait?" I giggle

I return Ali's kiss with increasing force as I push her back towards the bed. Alison craftily pulls her body away from mine and slowly walks towards the bedroom door, she turns the lock staring at the door for a while before slowing turning around and walking towards me. She wraps her arms around my neck and standing slightly on her tiptoes, her eyes flutter closed before she draws me into a kiss.

"You better stay away from that Mason boy" I giggle

"You're the one who's going to be around half naked girls all day"

"Ali I..." my sentence is prematurely cut off by Alison

"So to keep your mind off them I'm gonna make sure you know exactly what you have waiting for you at home" She mutters, kissing my neck

"I already know what I have. I have two amazing daughters, a baby boy on the way and an almost perfect wife"

"Almost perfect?" She questions, stepping slightly away from me

"Yeah. You'd be completely perfect if you would finally recognised just how pretty you are because nothing is more beautiful than loving yourself"

"Are you high?"

"The only one who doesn't see your beauty is the face in the mirror looking back at you" I recite

"Isn't that from a Taylor Swift song?"

"Maybe" I giggle

"You are so weird" Alison blushes

"I know, but it's true"

"Emily when we were in school everyone hated me because I loved myself, now you want me to be like that again? I'll have no friends"

"No everyone hated you because you were a narcissistic bitch"

"Thanks. You are so complimentary" Ali snidely laughs, walking away from me

"Wait, let me finish. Everyone, except me. Alison I loved you even when you were a complete bitch, and I still loved you when you became the sweetest person I know. But you know what I loved about the bitchy Ali? She had confidence, she believed in herself; I admired that about you"

"That was all an act Em"

"Even if it was, you are stunning inside and out. You should have confidence in yourself"

"I have confidence when I'm with you"

Ali's pov

"I have confidence when I'm with you" I blush

"Really? Well prove it" Emily smirks

I raise my eyebrow before pulling Emily's Rosewood sharks t-shirt off her. Her small braless boobs bounce up and down her chest as she breaths, her ribs become increasingly noticeable as she breathes in. Her thin waist is perfectly aligned with her hips, leading to her long legs which are painted with black jeans. My eyes sparkle with pure love before my body instinctively pushes against Emily, her soft lips bounce off mine as she walks backwards yet again pulling me to our bed

Emily's pov

"Shit, Em wake up" Alison screams

"What?" I ask, jumping out my skin in fear

"The bus leaves the school in forty-five minutes. Get your naked ass off the bed" She laughs, rushing around our room in her birthday suit

"This reminds me of the time we went skinny dipping in the school"

"You don't have time to remember. Come on Cathy get moving"

"I'll drop you at the school and then go straight to Jason's to get the girls"

"Do I have to go? I'm really tired after our...our workout"

"Emily" Alison sternly says, pulling my sweaty body onto my feet

"Now quickly go get a shower and I'll finish packing your bag"

Ali's pov

"I'm going to miss you" Emily sniffs

"I'll miss you more"


"Yes Em?"

"I'm in love with you" she blushes

"I'm in love with you too" I smile, pushing her silky hair out of her face and slowly kissing her

"God why am I getting so emotional?" Emily laughs as she wipes away her tears

"Because as you said you are in love with me. Now go away before I start crying as well" I laugh

"Goodbye gorgeous"

"See you soon my sexy shark"

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