Danger Ahead

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Chapter 13

Kate's dead.

Peter killed her.

Now Peter is coming toward us, a menacing look in his eyes I grab Allison's wrist and we back away slowly.

Derek walks up next me shifted and Scott is the same but next to Allison. Peter looks at us like this is fun for him. 

"Run." Scott says to us.  I look over at Derek he nods.

    I yank Allison with me. I need to get her and my dad out of here then I can go help.

   Allison and I run to our dad and start shaking him. 

"Dad! Dad! Wake up!" I yell to my dad we need him to help us take on the Alpha.

 I hear smashing and growling coming from inside the house.

  All of a sudden Scott is thrown through the window and is laying on his stomach groaning. Derek is still inside.

 Peter is now shifted in his Alpha form. We're screwed.

He jumps out the front door and grabs onto Scott choking him.

 Scott manages to knock Peter off. Scott lands on the ground.

 When he gets up a car horn is blaring.

 I turn my head. It's Jackson and Stiles. What the hell are they doing here?

 They climb out of the car. Stiles and Jackson have two bottles in their hands it looks like the fire bomb Lydia made in the school.

 Stiles wastes no time and chucks it at Peter who catches it and growls at them. 

"Oh. Damn." Stiles mutters.

I notice Allison's bow is near us. "Allison!" I call and throw her, her bow. She catches it and loads a arrow. 

She shoots the bottle in Peter's hand and it ignites.

 Peter is caught on fire. 

"Throw it!" I yell to Jackson.

 Jackson throws the bottle in his hand and it ignites. Peter is completely on fire. He is roaring and growling. He is coming right toward Allison and I. I grab onto Allison ready to pull her away.

Scott jumps up and kicks Peter he is losing balance and collapses. 

He changes back from the pain and Peter is now in his human form. 

I look around Derek is gone. What did Peter do to him?

 I whip my head around trying to find him. 

Allison makes her way over to Scott. He is slowly changing back. Allison puts her hand on Scott's face and kisses him. My dad gets up right after the kiss. He looks away like he is giving Scott permission to kiss Allison.

 But instead of it being romantic I think it's funny. 'Hey dad so uh you missed some stuff.' Is what I wanted to say but I don't instead I run and hug him. He grabs onto me. When I release my dad from the hug. I see Derek. Oh thank God he's okay!

He makes his way over to where Peter is barely hanging on to life. Derek looks down at Peter 

"Wait!" Scott calls. "You said the cure comes from the one who bit you. Derek. If you do this I'm dead. Her father her family... What am I suppose to do?" Scott pleads.

 My dad grabs Allison and I and steps back with us.

 Derek raises a clawed hand in the air. I know what he's doing. He's getting revenge for Laura.

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