Classroom Meetings

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The next day I drive to school and head to Harris' class and sit next to Scott. My parents can't control who I talk to here. I come in right as Stiles and Scott are in the middle of a conversation.

 "All right it's causing me severe mental anguish to say this, but he's right." Stiles states.

"I know." Scott replies.

"What if the next body part she steels is from someone who's still alive?"  

Wait what? "Are you talking about Lydia?" I question.

"Yes." Stiles replies

 "This is a pop quiz Mr. Stilinski. If I hear your voice again, I may be tempted to give you detention for the rest of your high school career." Harris cuts in giving a warning.

"Can you do that?" Stiles and I ask together. 

"Well, there it is again. Your voice. Triggering the only impulse I've ever had to strike a student repeatedly and violently. And Miss. Argent your voice echoing his is not helping your own standing."

I look at Stiles then scoot my stool a few inches from away. If Harris is planning on beating Stiles I do not want to be near him when he does.

 "I'll see you at 3:00 for detention, Mr. Stilinski."

 Scott turns back to Stiles and I look at Stiles. "You too, Mr. McCall, and Miss. Argent?" Harris warns.

  "No, sir." Scott and I say. I honestly don't want to piss him off


  After class Allison and I are at our lockers grabbing our dresses. Allison share a look then stare at our dresses grimly. I really don't want to do it. I hate that I have to do this.

 Allison finds a note in her locker and I find two in mine. I notice the first one is in Derek's hand writing and I shove that in my pocket to read later. Allison does not need to know anything about Derek.

The other one is in a unknown handwriting. It simply says. Smile you are beautiful. 

 I furrow my brows, who is this from?  It's a nice thing to say but I'm not big on creepy notes by unknown men.

"Nice dresses." Matt compliments us with his camera in hand. 

"Nice camera." I say back with a smile.

   I over hear some girls talking. "Not their sister. Their aunt. The one who murdered those people."

   "You mean the crazy bitch who killed all those people?" The other girl says who I recognize as Morgan. 

   "Yeah, the fire, all those animal attacks. It was their aunt."

     "Are you kidding I sit next to Allison in English." I clench my fist. Those little bitches.

        "Find a new seat."

 They start laughing. I feel my blood boil. Allison looks pissed too. I want to go over there and smack them. Allison notices my reaction while putting a hand on my arm. "Go walk it off." She orders as gently as she can with her own anger flaring.

 I whirl around to face the girls, Allison grabs my arm, "Go." She orders. I grab my dress, slam my locker and walk away.

I walk past a couple of classrooms when I'm yanked into one.

It's Derek holding my wrist the one that is bruised. I grimace a little. Derek lets go of my wrist.

 "Derek." I start but he pulls up my sleeve anyway. "Derek its nothing." I state. But he looks really pissed.

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