Derek Needs A Body Bag

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Chapter 8

After Scott left. I decided to tell Derek what happened with Matt and Jackson. After Derek heard my story he went full on about to pull a homicide mad. 

"Jackson did what?" Derek yells. I knew this was a bad idea.

I stand up and run a hand through my hair preparing to explain again what happened. "He was screaming at Allison and me. Calling me and her a bitch, ranting about Scott and he was... naked." I say the last part a whisper but of course he can hear me.

Derek has the same look as Scott did, good thing he doesn't have his car keys. "Derek he didn't hurt me." I point out calmly while running my hands down his arm to calm him.

"What if he did? I don't want him to touch you in anyway. I don't even want him near you. I wasn't there." He spat.

"Derek I can protect myself. Its okay." I insists. 

"All right. Fine" He turns his back to walk away but I grab his hand.

"What?" I ask annoyed.

"I know you can protect yourself but I need to know I can keep you safe. I've lost people and I don't want you to be the next one, I don't want anything to happen to you." I look down slightly stunned at his words.

"Derek nothing is-"

"What if something does?" He cuts me off.

"Then I know I can count on you to be there." 

"What if I'm not? Because of our situation there's a big chance that I won't be able to be there." He comments his eyes averting mine.

I move closer to him. "I'm not worried." I give him a small smile.

"That's the thing." He says raising his voice again. "You don't worry about your safety. You don't care about getting hurt!  You worry about everyone else but I need you to worry about your own. I can't have anything happen to you." He stays  looking down at the ground. I hate worrying him, but I know I can protect myself. I take his chin and raise his eyes to mine.

"Derek, I need to protect my friends.  I can't have something to you or anyone else I care about. There's something else though." This time it's my turn to look away.

"What?" He asks his voice getting a hint of he knows this is not gonna end well.

I walk in a half circle as I talk. "My mom still thinks something is going on and I don't know how to convince her. Other being on a date with someone that's not you." My hand touches my neck nervously.

He lets out a sigh. "I don't want you to but... I trust you and your judgment."

I turn back to face him. "It bothers you I see it."  

"We need to convince them." He argues.

"This Matt kid asked me to hang out with him, I don't even know why I said yes. But he may have been asking me out on a date and I wasn't thinking...." I shake my head at my idiocy.  

"Maybe you should go on a date with him." He states while crossing his arms over his chest his voice growing cold.

 "If it bothers you I won't I don't want to hurt you, I know it will drive you nuts if I'm on a date with him. But it would never mean anything. I swear."

"I can handle it and if you make a big deal about it maybe your parents will back off." His voice is a monotone. 

I look down not sure if I should go through with this and risk hurting someone I care about. "Are you sure? I promise nothing will happen. I don't want anything to come between us."

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