Lies And More Lies

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Chapter 7

When Lydia leaves Allison and I call Scott to tell him the new information.

 "If Jackson doesn't know what he's doing, then he probably doesn't know someone's controlling him." Allison starts. 

"Or he doesn't remember." Scott suggests. 

"What if it's the same thing that happened to Lydia when she took off in the hospital?" Stiles comments. 

"A fugue state." I supply.

"He'd have to forget everything. The murder." Scott says. 

"Getting rid of the blood." I list.

"But he had help with one thing though, the video. Maybe someone else helped him forget that." Stiles suggests. 

"Whoever's controlling him." Scott adds.

"Are you sure Jackson has no clue about any of this?" Allison questions.

"He thinks he's still becoming a werewolf and that being with Lydia somehow delayed the whole thing." Stiles explains.

"So do we even try to convince him he's not?" I ask. 

"If it helps us find out who is controlling him, then yeah." Scott replies. 

"Do you think he will talk to us after what we did?" Allison asks. 

"Yeah it's us. He'll talk to us. Right?" Stiles says. Scott and Stiles hang up.

Allison sits cross legged on her bed and I sit in her desk chair. Allison looks like she's thinking about something and keeps fiddling with her silver key necklace that says big sis on it. I have a matching one that says little sis, because I was born half an hour later. We wear them when we are really anxious. It is almost like an anchor something to keep us calm. I tap my nails on the desk in the silence then I spin in the chair to face her. "What's bothering you?" I question.

She looks down and stays looking down when she answers me. "Why do I keep having this feeling you are lying about something?" Allison asks her large doe eyes  filled pain, looking for betrayal.

I purse my lips. "What do you mean?" A sick feeling wells in my stomach.

"The things with Derek and how you became an amazing fighter all of a sudden and why did mom look at you when she mentioned Derek and you said nothing was going on? I mean is there? You're gone all the time It doesn't add up Em. I want to believe you when you say these things but I can't. I can't handle more lies."

I bite my lip I can't tell her the truth. She will never talk to me again. I can't keep lying to her. I'll have to just tell her the half truth. I look down at my hands and let out a heavy sigh. "Derek was my friend when we first came to Beacon Hills. Before I knew anything about werewolves or anything about being a hunter family. I just knew him as Derek Hale. A dark brooding personality, maybe damaged but was nice once you got to know him and earned his trust. He saved my life. I trust him and he trusts me. He's been there for me, even now. He means a lot to me. I just have grown a lot closer to him since everything with Kate. She was a bad person and everything that happened because of her has hurt me, but it made me closer to him." My voice catches some. I never really expressed my feelings about Derek or how I really felt about Kate with Allison.

She looks up at me. "Why would Mom say that like you were into him? Did you tell her he was just your friend?" 

I bit my lip again. If only she knew. I look her directly in the eyes. "I don't know. I guess she doesn't believe me." I now feel like I'm a horrible person that was suppose to be trusted by her sister but can look her in the eye and lie. I hate myself for it. The lies just keep adding up for my family and I can't take it anymore.

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