13. Murderous.

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Art by: fhawn



 Jimin was brilliant.

"We would like to know if you would be able to make news about our late Jimin in the newspaper of our university, without pressure or blackmail Since you knew him and we have seen some of his works, we think that he could do it very well.

Please give us an answer as soon as possible.


"Hello Minerva, what's your call coming?"

"You'll see Mrs. Park ... I've been called from the university paper and it's about Jimin ..."

"The answer is yes, my dear, and please speak to me as before." Give him the crown he deserves.

-Thanks Luhan

"To you, honey."

Jimin was brilliant.

There was no other word to describe it.

Within that word were many other adjectives, all good.

Maybe that's what killed him.

Kind: That spoke well to anyone and always made you feel at ease.

Risueño: who always smiled despite the bad moments and laughed for everything.

Affectionate: he always showed affection to his friends and family.

Nice, handsome, friendly, funny, educated ...

So ... why him? If everyone loved him, if everyone admired him.

Envy is our downfall they say.

I was one of those people you could talk to, and I do not mean to just chat, you could tell her your biggest secret and you knew I'd never betray you.

He was a neighbor who helped the elderly and the children, from painting a house to helping with a move.

He was the best friend you could imagine, you could let go of your biggest fears and with him you would never feel ashamed.

With him you would never feel afraid, he was a guardian, you always felt calm.

Let's talk about why he died.

This was Jimin, he was just brilliant.

And even his greatest enemy can not deny it.

I leave the paper on the director's desk and she smiles at me, I smile back and leave the office feeling dirty. Was I the right person to write that? Did he know enough?

I walk quickly down the aisle without wanting to meet anyone and avoid people, if I look at Cookie or Taehyung now in my face, I will regret what I have written. Luhan said it was okay however I do not feel like I should, I look around nervously, I feel like I'm a bit of a nerve. I scratch my arms while my eyes look all around, like a thief or worse, like a girl who does things that can offend someone, things she should not.

How many enemies did he have? Are they still out there? Somehow I feel that today, I am his enemy.

Jimin, are you angry?



I sit on a bench with both hands on my head and I clutter my hair, my mind is a mess, have I filled up the papers well? What if I did not and that's why I did not go to college?

I have to wait until tomorrow to know and I'm not really convinced, I feel that I've done everything wrong. I'm feeling decayed lately.

The weight of the bank falls, I look sideways at some black shoes that are next to me, someone has sat on my bench, there was no other? Do not you see that I'm mutilating myself? I just let it go and I keep stirring my hair. Surely now it is a nest and some bird feels in it, since I have so good luck to the best two. Maybe two and I get them home, I've always wanted one.

Surely I shit on top to top myself.

I lift my head and try to order my hair, I can not be so negative, I surely enter, I can not be another year stopped.

-You're okay? -I hear a sweet voice- you're making funny faces.

-Sorry, I'm weird -I say before turning.

A boy with pink hair is telling me that I am weird, to me.

If I were a bird, I would settle on his head not on mine.

-I'm fine, thank you -I say, relaxing, he's just trying to be nice, I can not be that edge-I'm sorry for talking to you like that.

-Don't worry, I have a friend who is just like you.

It's the guy from a few minutes ago, the one next to me filling out the questionnaire.

-Oh-unwittingly unwrapped, he laughs.

-What are you doing here alone?

-I'm waiting a friend, and you?

-The same.

-Is he the curmudgeon?

-One of them, yes -I laugh and nod.

-I hope you can introduce me.

-Sure, it's nice sometimes.

I smile and he also has a very sweet smile.

-In my defense I will say that I am not always like that.

-I understand - He raises his elbows to his knees and leaves a small smile- I am sometimes like that too.

-We all do, I suppose.

-Do not believe it, maybe it's just the two of us and we look alike.


-Is it the university? -I nod and look at the front- sure you pass, do not worry.

-Thank you, I believe you will too.

-Yes, although there is someone who does not want me to go -I frown and he laughs, I don't understand.

-Someone in your family?

-No, an acquaintance, I suppose it's something like an murderous.

-I hope you can solve it.

"I do not think there's any solution between us, but I hope there's a good way out for him." I remain silent, not knowing what to say, and there are sheets that crack and make us raise our heads.

A tall boy stands next to a tree and the boy next to me greets him.

"Well, we'll see each other in class if there's luck."

-Sure -He stands up and gives her a big smile, has been very nice to me- see you.

-I hope this time you do not throw chairs in the air -he says, making me laugh and pulls away.

I stop laughing when I fall into what he said. Wait.

That only Jimin knows.

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