19. Broken pieces.

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23/09/17 Sábado

When I enter Jimin's house the atmosphere inside is overwhelming.

There are seven handsome boys in the living room waiting, waiting for me. I shake nervously and give a small smile to the mother of Jimin, who is standing next to Namjoon and Hope, with a plate full of cookies. I want cookies.

-Min! -Jungkook yells, getting up from the couch, the first to greet me.

Like always.

He hugs me with his big body and I feel like relaxing for a second leaving my head in his chest, I do not have to be nervous. I'm just going to take Jimin's furniture forever away from his loved ones.

God, I'm such a bad person. I should not have accepted.

I get tense at separating from Jungkook and I know that only one person can fix it, and that he will not do it. Namjoon approaches me and hugs me by shaking me from side to side.

-Namjoon, let her go, it's not a doll -he sounds deaf and smiles when she walks away.

-Did you find out about Taehyung? -He asks in my ear, seat, although I have to talk about it later, it only makes me tense more.

I'm a ball of nerves.

I can swear that even I tremble, and that it seemed to me impolite to my mother only added points to my nervousness. Hope gives me two sound kisses and Yoongi a small smile, it is Jin however that helps me relax by grabbing my hand and moving it up and down.

No Taehyung.

This one just looks at me and follows the others, if I had the slightest chance of believing that I had made a small crack inside the heart of Taehyung, it is now completely destroyed. There is no road with yellow tiles to it, only the emptiness and little else, all very dark.

Come on Min, what did you think? What did you like

I think I'm just trying to get the idea that someone so attractive looks at me more than normal, even if I do that with everyone from my point of view.

When Jin releases me I give him a smile with closed mouth, they all head up and Taehyung is the last to climb, Cookie stays down with me. Once I have taken two cookies and I have stuck them in my mouth without chewing I grab Jimin's mother and hug her as hard as I can. That her pain is so great diminishes mine and makes me feel at peace, I miss her. She released a surprised sound but gave me back the hug, just as comforting, just as affectionate. I love her.

In a short period of time this woman has become very important to me.

I close my eyes wrapping around her and I breathe in her perfume and her softener, it smells so good it makes me smile. I fully support my head on her shoulder and she strokes my back, I can see Cookie smiling as we parted, I give her a big kiss and I go to my friend. He grabs my hand and entwines our fingers. Do not overlook the fact that we almost kissed, yet it's not uncomfortable at all, not with Cookie.

I try not to notice how surprised I am and follow him upstairs. He always holds my hand, but never like that, his touch bristles the skin at the nape of my neck and carries discharges to my chest, he has done it so softly that it has been more than pleasurable. Before stepping on Jimin's floor he smiles at me and walks in with me, does not let go of my hand.

I try to find something in Taehyung's eyes, but just look at our hands for a second, a quick glance, just like the others. Less Namjoon, who asks me with his expression what is happening.

I wish I knew, my friend, I wish.

I look at the box I've just accidentally kicked and crossed my toes so it's not fragile, Cookie opens it, and it's full of sheets.

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