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Ash was just walking through Cerulean to visit his girlfriend Misty and was by the bike shop by the time he found Misty's three sisters walking down the street.

Unfortunately for Ash, they noticed him.

"Like hey Ash!" The three sisters said to him. He mentally cringed and walked over to them.

"Hey you Misty with you?"

"She like told me that she was like going back to the gym." Violet responds to him.

"Oh." Ash sighed. He really wanted to see Misty.

"So like, whatcha gonna do?" Lily and Violet say together grinning.

"Hang out with her of course. Go on a walk have a Pokemon battle. I don't know." Ash says rather densely as usual.

"Is that like all you do together?! Where's like, all the romance?" Daisy cries out all dramatic.

"Yea... we just like to be together. Why are you asking me this?"

"You are like so dense." The sisters sigh together. "Don't you guys like kiss and cuddle and like do romantic things?"

"Well I'm not really the one for romance.."

"That attitude mister will like get you dumped and I like you and want to like have little nieces and nephews running around the gym in like a couple years!

"Nieces and nephews? You guys should be getting married before Misty and I." Ash retorts back.

"Oh like Violet! I don't like know whether to squeal about Ash wanting to marry Misty or cry because I don't like have a boyfriend yet!" Lily cries out.

"Ok ok please don't squeal or cry!" Ash says with yet another mental cringe. "What should I do then!"

"Hmm lets like start at square one!"

"And exactly how many squares are there?" Ash askes dumbfounded as he didn't know he was required to go all these 'boyfriend things.'

"So step one would be cuddling and I guess considering you've been dating for like ever you should move to step two which would like be small kisses or pecks. There are ten steps in Violet, Lily and Daisy's guide for a like perfect relationship!"

Ash just sighs as he continues to let the trio talk about what he apparently should be doing but he's not.

"These steps can like escalate quickly so I'm about a month you should be at step ten.

"What's step ten? Ash says densely before shaking his head. "Never mind, but what is cuddling?"

"You don't know what... why am I like not surprised. It's when you like keep your significant other, in this case Misty, close and you hug her on like a bed or couch. You can like put her on your chest too! I like love it when guys do that it makes me swoon!" Lily said with a squeal

"Like same here Lily!" Violet responded back causing both girls to jump up together, squealing.

"What guys? You two are single." Ash points out which causes Violet and Lily to drop to the floor blue and depressed. It kind of reminded him of Brock when he mentioned Professor Ivy.

"Like anyway Ash, just lay down on Misty's bed or the living room couch and hold her close. Also you can like move on to step two maybe give her a small kiss or like something. It may be like awkward at first but eventually you'll get it. Step three is regular kissing, Step four is french and maybe you'll like even get to step five which is making out..."

Ash was gonna ask what french and making out were but he decided against it as he doesn't want them to go on yet another rant about their ten steps.

"Ok for now I'm just gonna stick to steps one and two alright." Ash says cautiously "I'm gonna go see Mist now."

"AWWE HE LIKE HAS A NICKNAME FOR HER!" Lily and Violet squeal as they start to jump up. Ash is taking this as his cue to leave. "By you three."

"By Ash and like good luck! Just like follow the steps!" Daisy shouts as she waves goodbye.

I can't believe they're probably gonna be my sister in laws one day Ash thinks as he runs to the gym. They mean well but they can be annoying. He wonders how Misty puts up with them all the time.

"Misty!." Ash shouts when he gets to the gym.

"Up here in my room!" Misty shouts back. Ash runs up the stairs to greet her. Instead of his usual wave or hello, he goes up to Misty and kisses he'd forehead. She looks confused at the gesture but happy nonetheless.

"Hey Ash." She says with a smile that makes Ash want to kiss her again. However he just smiles back.

Ash then climbs next to her on her bed and puts her head on his chest, following the steps of Misty's sisters. Misty seems pretty confused but she looks happy like before.

"Mist, I know I'm not a perfect boyfriend. I honestly don't know much about all this but I do know I love being your boyfriend. I'm sorry I don't show that as much."

"Oh Ash." Misty replies while turning slightly to put her arms around his neck. "I never expected you'd be expressing your feelings much or giving signs of affection. I know you to well to know that affection isn't really your thing. I also know you really care about me, I can tell by all the sweet things you say and do unintentional or not. I love that your trying to show it though. To be honest though, I thought I was being a bit to clingy."

"No Misty your not. I don't really know what would be classified as clingy but I love your hugs and when your around me and stuff like that." Ash finishes off kind of sheepishly but it makes Misty smile, her boyfriend is just too cute.

"So do I Ash." Misty giggles before happily snuggling back into his chest. "I do have a question though."

"What is it?"

"Did you meet my sisters and are you following their crappy ten step plan?"

"Nooo..............maybe..........fine I did but, I don't know what half those things are! Like what the heck is french, I also don't know what step ten is! Mistyy, I'm confused!"

All she does is sigh and laugh at his pout before kissing his cheek. "We do step ten much much later."

"Your sisters said in a month!"

"Yea well... don't listen to them. Plus I hate those steps, we can skip or take it slower, it depends."

"So can we skip steps."

"We should just follow our own pace Ash."

"Can we make out then?"

"Do you even know what that is?"

"Of course I don't. But I mean, it sounds nice..."

"Oh Ash." Misty sighs before kissing his cheek and leaning back into her adorable yet utterly dense boyfriend's chest to cuddle with him more.

Tbh, I loved writing about Misty's sisters cause I just got to use the word 'like' over and over again. I hope it didn't annoy anyone.

Hope you liked this one!

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