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R- redhead

??? POV

I don't know her name, I don't really want to. I'm angry at her, I don't want to talk about her, I don't want anything to do with her. I just refer to her as the redheaded girl.

Anger, envy, jealousy, utter disgust. I can't even enjoy this party cause she's here, cuddling with the guy I like.

She's not even that pretty, she's short, too thin and has red hair. I hate red hair.

Anyway, it's Ash's birthday and most of his friends came a visit. My plan was to give him his first present, which I got from a store, and maybe get him alone later to tell him my feelings. Soon as the redheaded girl arrived, my plans changed.

I was sitting on his couch with him, talking and trying to gather the courage to brush his hand or even lean up against his shoulder. I was waiting for the right time to do it as he was just acting like his regular friendly self.

Once the redheaded girl came, thirty minutes late might I add, Ash excused himself and ran up to her to give her a hug.

I glared at her, unimpressed, even though she announced to others that seem to know her that she was kept back at the gym. That's when I learned that the girl was a battler and already had something in common with Ash. Great.

The worst part of her arrival was that Ash was with her all the time! I want to talk to him too! Who does she think she is. Ash even put his arm around her. He should be with me!

The two hours after her arrival were horrible. I wanted to cry but I held it together, no matter how much it hurt to see the guy I like with another girl. I eventually sat on a stool, alone in the kitchen as most were in the living room.

"You know, I liked him too."

I jump a bit before turning to see that May said that. I stared at her in surprise and shock. She seems so in love with Drew, especially given her long history with him.

I met May a couple hours ago and we instantly became friends. She introduced me to her boyfriend Drew who she seems so happy with. I guess she noticed me staring at Ash.

"But how, wait what? Really?" I said, totally blown away by the news.

May just laughed. "Yea, I did. I thought he was so cute, kind, everything I could want really. Yes he was a battler and not a coordinator but I could manage with that. I really did like him too."

"Then how did you stop?" I said, still surprised she liked Ash at one point.

"He mentioned her" May said, giving a nudge where the redheaded girl is standing. "He didn't know the at the time, but he really liked her. It was hard to notice really but I knew him for so long when he first mentioned her. Ash doesn't get attracted to girls easily. Heck he never mentions girls. When he first mentioned her, he became sad. The lively boy I knew was reduced to something with no spirit or energy. He didn't say it but, he missed her."

I didn't respond after that so she just continued. "I realised he liked her around the time I was realising that Drew liked me." She looks fondly over at Drew for a moment. "Now, I couldn't picture myself with Ash at all. Ash is a close friend. With Drew I can see a future."

I nod at May before I go walk over to sit on a chair so I can see the redhead better. I feel kind of rude leaving May like that but I'll explain it to her later. However, looking closer, without anger or hatred towards the redheaded girl, I notice that she's quite pretty. Yes she's short and small but she's actually really pretty. I notice her laugh and with that her eyes brighten. For most of the night, I thought I was much prettier than her and while it's still true I still don't have a fondness over red hair, I wish I had her eyes and her laugh. Maybe if I looked more like her, Ash would notice me too.

Though, May mentioned to me that Ash has known the redhead for a really long time. I guess I got to him to late.

I suddenly felt ashamed. Ashamed that I let my anger and jealousy get to me from meeting her. I also was embarrassed at myself for judging her before I got to know her.

I do like Ash, and even if he was meant to be with the redheaded girl I'm going to cry and be upset about it. It will take time to get over it but who even knows what the future has in store. I just may even meet my Drew.

But for now, I know what I have to do.

I take a deep breath and adjust my dress. I walked over to the redhead girl who is now away from Ash. I don't really know what to say at first but the situation isn't awkward as it is strange. I gather up all my courage, tap on her shoulder and give her a small smile.

"Hi, I'm Serena. What's your name?"

Hope you liked it!

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