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T- terrified

He left. He left early this morning, before I got up. Judging by the note he left, he's not coming back. Ever.

I'm confused, hurt, sad, angry, heartbroken. Everything was fine in my eyes. Apparently we have different views.

He said he didn't feel the same in the note. He said the previous nights meant nothing to him and he felt no love for me. I love him, I gave him everything he wanted yet, he still left.

We bought this house and had a stable relationship, jobs too. I was waiting anxiously for an engagement so we could get married. He told me he loved me all the time, he would say it constantly as he didn't want me to ever forget. However soon enough he stopped staying it as often. I love you became love you or just a simple 'same here' to when I would say I love you. I never noticed that and the increasing distance he showed. Eventually it all added up. I realised it way to late.

He left me a letter, a crummy, messy, wrinkled note explaining why he left in hastily and quickly. My heart sank when I read the thoughtless thing. My heart broke when he said he didn't love me.

I loved him more then anything. He was the one, the one I would spend the rest of my life with. He would be my lover and partner forever. He just didn't want to me mine.

I started to cry. I broke down in tears and fell on my knees. Burying my face in my hands I cry and cry and cry.

I woke up in a cold sweat and look to my left. I relax seeing Ash next to me. It was a dream, it was all just a dream. No, it was more like a nightmare.

I feel the tears on my face coming from the nightmare I just had. I end up laying my head on Ash's shoulder and crying softly and silently.

He moves a bit before opening his eyes and yawning. I guess my movement woke him but I just bury my face further into his shoulder.

"Hey Mist, whatcha doing up?" He says with another yawn while running a hand through his hair before coming down to my cheek. He pauses "Mist, are you crying? You never cry, what's wrong."

I sniffle a bit before taking a few deep breaths and lifting my head up slightly. "Just a nightmare. I'm fine now."

"Alright" He says before he kisses my temple and holds me tight. However in an hour I still can't sleep. That nightmare I had started messing with my brain and I started to think of if he actually would leave me and hurt me like that.

"Ash, Ash."

I feel guilty about waking him but I also know I won't stop thinking of this.

He stirs again "What now Mist?"

He says it in a caring tone. He's so sweet with wanting to talk to me about this. "You love me right?" I blurt out quietly.

Even in the dark I can see him frown. He lifts his head up from the pillow and stares at me. He sighs a bit before brushing a thumb across my cheek. "Mist, what rings are on your left ring finger?"

"My engagement and wedding rings" I say with a slight smile. I see what he's trying to say.

"And who gave them to you?"

"You did"


"Because you love me."

"Now you got it" he said with a charming, sweet smile. "Misty I love you, now let's go back to sleep."

"You won't ever leave me right, ever?"

He sits up now, confused at why I'm asking this presumably. "Misty what's up with this? What nightmare did you have?"

I quietly explain, feeling quite foolish about getting worked up over a silly nightmare. Ash just looks thoughtful.

"Misty, you know that isn't me. I would never leave you. Don't worry about that ever. I'm your husband and I'll always be right here with you."

I kiss his cheek in thanks. He's being really sweet over this and for that I'm thankful. "Thank you Ash, I love you."

He says the same thing back before wrapping his arms around me to fall back asleep. I feel better, I feel reassured by his words and I'm certainly not terrified anymore.

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