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Misty POV

When I was younger, I met this guy. He was incredible and I eventually developed a crush on him but, he never noticed which was fine. I was content with staying friends.

He was so naive when I met him and he knew nothing about the feelings I possessed for him. He never found out and he probably will never find out. I don't have enough confidence or courage to tell him.

Now though, I feel trapped, I want to desperately to move forward and start a relationship but what if I lose this friendship because he doesn't share my feelings.

He does nothing and it hurts. I want to mean something special to him. I crave to be held by him and have him share my feelings.

He won't though, he doesn't know love and he's to dense to know how I feel for him. I feel defeated. I want to move on but I can't, he's the only one I can see being with as picturing myself with anyone else is just wrong.

Still though, no matter how much I crave a relationship with him nothing could compare to the hurt I would feel if he rejected me. I'm to scared to speak my feelings as the feeling of rejection would probably kill me.

I feel pathetic for caring about this so much. I should be able to move on and move forward with my life but the thought of him with someone else is even worse.

It's hard, I really think I love him and love isn't a word I use aimlessly. I really love him for reasons I got by being his friend for years. I know everything about him like he knows almost everything about me as he doesn't know that I like him. I started to admire and like the little things he did like the way he'd talk to Togetic when he was a Togepi, Azurill and Larvitar. Eventually many little things added up to bigger things and I admitted to myself that I liked him. I never told anyone else but I think my friends are starting to get an idea.

Sitting on the ledge of my pool with my feet in the water, I face my head downward to hide my tears from view.

Footsteps draw closer and I poke my head up just enough to see that he enters the room.

He comes over to examine my tears he noticed when he saw my face. He takes off his shoes to put his feet in the water and sits next to me. He leans over and brushes his thumb over my tears that continue escape my eyes.

"Hey Mist, you ok?"

No I'm not, I'm broken, useless, alone, lonely, sad, rejected, empty, defeated, about to break down, anxious, depressed, pathetic, confused, ready to fall apart.

All I do is just lift my head up and heave a sign."Oh, I'm just fine Ash."

No I'm not but you'll never know that will you.

I hope you liked this one

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