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Misty Waterflower was always known for her quick ass temper. She was and still is the girl that will blow up in someone's face when ever she disagrees with someone. It wasn't a problem in middle school as all the guys thought that she was crazy but in high school everything seemed to change.

The once scrawny Misty turned into a model out of a magazine. Most of her new look was achieved from hard work at the gym, on the track and in the pool but with her family history I always knew she'd end up this beautiful. Also guys really started to change their view on her temper. In their view, she went from being this crazy, scrawny, loud middle schooler to being a fiery, hot, loud high schooler.

However, to me at least, she was pretty in middle school and I always was attracted to her temper cause well...let me explain.

I'm Ash Ketchum, I've known Misty for a long time after we met at this lake. We've been childhood friends since before I can remember.

I'm middle school I'd say I was pretty popular around girls but that was due to being best friends with the most popular guy, Gary Oak. However no matter how many girls would try and catch my attention, I always stayed by Misty. Even Gary, who was incredibly popular, saw her as his little sister, considering she's eleven months younger than him. I introduced Gary to her years ago and we've been a trio ever since. Gary and I aren't stereotypical popular rude high school boys, Misty will always be a part of our lives and school won't change that.

The thing is, Misty was never exactly popular. Girls scorned and jeered upon her. Misty though would always counter act with her temper and that just made them hate her more. They hated how a 'runt' like her would hang out with Gary and I. Misty and I teased each other a lot but when something that some girls said really got to her I'd always respond with comment on how the other girls were scared of her taking Gary or I off the market because of her charm and cuteness. She would always recoil in disgust but I could tell it made her feel better. Of course I never said those words exactly but I did think she was pretty cute in middle school.

Though in high school she's grown from a really cute girl to an actual babe and that is a huge problem.

Boys never looked at her much in middle school, probably because they were to busy playing video games or deciding what hallway to throw the next stink bomb but now they're all over her! She's not helping as she acts like it's the most natural thing in the word by flirting with them all back.

Still, one wrong comment or one wrong brush of a hand in a not so appropriate place could end with either a hard slap earning a day of detention, knocking the guy on the floor and earning two days of detention, or yelling loudly through the hallways causing a huge scene which would end up with the guy getting detention.

And it all three ways she looks even hotter than when she's relaxed.

Anyway, I'm not to fond of all the guy attention Misty has been getting. So much so I've even slyly confronted her about it. Looks like I even have to do it now as I notice a bunch of guys giving Misty that look.

"Misty I don't like when those guys stare at you" I say rather slyly of course as to not hint at anything.

"Sorry you're jealous Ashy, I can't help it if guys stare at me just as you can't help if girls stare at you."

Ok that was a pretty nice comeback, maybe I wasn't being as sly as I thought but I have to show her how girls staring at me is a lot different then guys staring at her... after I tell her how not jealous I am.

"First off Misty I'm not jealous at all."

She rolls we eyes at the statement but I continue on.

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