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V- Valentine

Serena clutched nervously to her bag as she wondered the streets of a Kanto town. Was it Cerulean City? She has no idea where she is but she believes she's close to Pallet.

Feeling her stomach rumble she decides to go over to a nearby restaurant as she haven't eaten breakfast this morning and it's nearly noon.

Today is February fourteenth which is a very important holiday, at least in Kalos it is. Valentine's Day of course is the day of love and Serena, who decided she absolutely cannot admit her feelings over the phone, took a trip to Kanto. This trip was also to participate in some Kanto contests as she thinks one day she'll really want to expand from preforming, which is manly done in Kalos, to coordinating which is done all over the world.

The little restaurant is nothing like the little cafes you would find in Kalos. It's a little run down and a little cramped inside but it has its charm. She soon sits down and orders some iced tea and a sandwich while getting out a map to figure out where she even is.

"You need some help there?"

Serena turns around to see this girl who looks to be about five or six years older then her. She's really tall and has shiny gorgeous purple hair. She looks like she could be a model and once Serena thinks about it she believes she actually is one. After realising her silence she nods her head.

"I'm looking for a way to Pallet town."

The girl just laughs. "Oh, I know how to get there alright. My sister practically lives at her boyfriends house over in Pallet. You just have to go find route four to mount moon. Once you get over that you'll be in Pewter. After Pewter you just continue going south through the Viridian Forest, Route two, and Viridian City. Continue down route one and you'll be in Pallet. With a flying Pokemon it takes no time at all!"

Serena looks down in disappointment. "I don't have a flying pokemon. Could I take a taxi there? Or at least part of the way?"

The girl laughed. "You're not from here are you, there are no taxis in Kanto. There are only bicycles, pokemon, boats, or walking if you want to get around. I don't recommend going by blimp if you could even find one going to Pallet from here."

"Hey I could help you out!" A girl said as she ran up to the purple haired girl and Serena. "I'm going to Pallet soon anyway. I could give you a ride on my Pelipper!"

"Misty, off to see your little boyfriend."

"Yes cause it's Valentine's Day and he's in Kanto for once." The girl presumably called Misty responds while rolling her eyes. "I came here to tell you to take good care of the gym and don't forget to pick up Starmie from the Pokemon center."

"Got it little sis!"

Misty turns to Serena. "Hi, I'm Misty! This is my older sister Violet."

Serena smiled at the two girls. "It's really nice to meet you."

Misty smiled back and soon ushered the girl outside. "Come on, lets go to Pallet."

Violet waved goodbye as the two girls took off in the sky. Misty told Serena to hold on to her shoulders as Pelipper took off.

"Thank you so much for the ride. Do you know any Kanto flying types that could fly me around so I could avoid the long walks. I'm from Kalos and even though I spent time in the woods traveling, cars and such were still available in cities to use."

"No problem for the ride. It would take forever to get to Pallet by foot, believe me I've done it before. And you're from Kalos! That's so amazing! I would love to visit one day as I hear it's so different from Kanto. As for flying Pokemon, I recommend Pidgey. It's easy to catch and it grows up to be a very strong and faithful Pokemon. It's a normal and flying type."

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