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O- oblivious

Rolling my eyes, I continue to drag Ash away from a couple girls that start to wave and giggle at him. They want him to go over to them but obviously I'm not going to let him. I like him after all. Ash looks confused though. I don't think he even understood what the girls were doing in the first place.

"Mist why did you lead me away from them?" He asks. He just sounds confused, he's not whining or anything but I can't help but mentally facepalm at his cluelessness.

"Cause they were calling you over. Probably to flirt or something."

His nose crinkled and he looks upward at the word flirt, leading me to believe he doesn't know what it means but he doesn't ask me about it.

"But why would they call me over if they don't know me? Do they want to become friends?"

"Something like that." I say through my teeth. "Anyway let's just continue on our walk."

"Misty I still don't get it, why did you really drag me away from them?"

"You know what? Fine." I say preparing to tell my long time crush the scariest thing I've ever said in my life "I dragged you away because I like you. Not that I was jealous of those girls or anything but, ok fine, maybe I was." I stop for a moment before continuing. "So yea Ash, I like you."

My heart was beating faster than a Rapidash but when I looked at his face, he was smiling one of his goofy smiles. " I like you too Misty, you're my friend. You also shouldn't have to be jealous of those girls you know, you'll always be my favorite friend."

I sighed a huge sigh of disappointment. I knew that would've been to easy. "No" I said calmly, ignoring the jealous comment as I went over and held his hand. I brushed my thumb across his hand soothingly. "I like like you."

"Well I like like you too Mist. You're my-"

"Don't say friend" I cringe. "Well ok, we are friends but I like you more than that" I say in a sweet tone, all my pride vanishing and focusing on just getting him to understand.

"Well, we are best friends" Ash says pondering the thought.

I give an exasperated huff. "No Ash, I want to be your girlfriend! I want to go on a date with you! Don't you understand?"

"You're already my girl friend though. And what date? Do you want to set a date for something?"

"Ash I want a relationship with you! A girlfriend boyfriend relationship with you if you feel the same way!"

"Of course I feel the same way Misty."

"No A- wait, what? You do?" I said, more shocked that he understood what I was trying to say more than anything.

"The thing is, we already have a boy friend and girl friend relationship so naturally I'd feel the same way."

I'm actually screaming inside. How in Ho Oh's name could this guy be so oblivious when I'm practically pouring my feelings out to him!

"You know what Ash Ketchum forget it. I'm done with you. Just go and don't come back until you've learned how to not be oblivious."

Seething I turn on my heal to walk back to the gym, furious with all the time I wasted looking like an absolute fool for this dense, ignorant guy.

He doesn't hesitate to grab my shoulder soon after I start walking into the gym. He laughs a bit and I swear I'm two seconds away from slapping him.

"Hey Mist, I'm not really that oblivious?"

"The girls" I snap back rather rudely. I slightly regretted my tone.

"Well I was confused at first but eventually I understood" He says with a slight smile.

I raise an eyebrow "so when I said I liked you."

"I was messing with you. I do want a girlfriend boyfriend relationship." He says with a full grin now.

"But what about not knowing what flirting is?"

His grin turns to a sheepish expression "ok I don't know what flirting is.

I have to giggle at that before asking him a question "but why would you pretend to not know anything and frustrate me?"

"Because I quickly found out how much fun it is to tease you" he says with a laugh and before I can even respond to that, he kisses me.

So yea, today Ash learned that he likes to fluster and tease me but I learned how much my apparently not so oblivious boyfriend does know about relationships.

Ash is obviously oblivious at 10. If he wasn't he'd have like 20 girlfriends by now. I'd like to think he wouldn't be as dense as he got older but probably that wouldn't be the case, especially considering the writers never make him grow up.

I figured he got the hint by the 'We are friends but I like you more than that' part or the 'I want to be your girlfriend' part

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