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W- Welcome home

Misty POV

I carefully washed my hair with my favourite flowery shampoo that Ash always loved following with conditioner. After I got out of the shower I realised I forgot my hair towel on my dresser so I dry myself off, get dressed and go to get my hair towel.

As I go to grab it, I accidentally find myself staring at one of my favorite wedding pictures.

It's a picture of us walking down the isle together as husband and wife.

Ash and Misty Ketchum 5.15.04

Tenderly looking at it, I smiled. We were so young, careless, incredibly immature, free. It was a hasty ceremony followed by a quickly planned party yet it held all the charm and perfection I wanted in my wedding. Plus why would I care about the wedding ceremony and party when I was marrying the love of my life with all my friends and family there?

That eventually got me thinking of the day he proposed to me. It was through a fight, we were having an argument over mew knows what and he just proposed. No build up, no engagement ring, just the words marry me. We were only seventeen and honestly just figuring out our lives but the one think I knew for certain was Ash. I couldn't say no.

I had to shake my head to rid these thoughts temporarily. I can reminisce later, I need to get ready now.

Continuing into the bathroom I started to towel dry and comb through my damp hair. Ash used to love combing through my hair, I never really understood why but he was always fascinated by my soft and thin hair which counters his own which is rough and thick.

Mew how I miss him. He left around three years ago. He needed to train and work towards his goal which was becoming a true Pokemon Master. However that kind of task meant training in the mountains, isolated from everyone except your Pokemon. But who was I to stop him from fulfilling his dream? Plus I just know he misses me as much as I miss him. I know how hard it was for him to leave me. It was just as hard to part with him.

However it's lonely here. Going to sleep with out him next to me was one of the hardest changes. Sometimes I would even have to trick myself into thinking he was there by holding on to his pillow. I just knew it would be worth it when he came back after completing his goal. After he became a Pokemon Master, he wouldn't have to leave for that long ever again.

But he left me a special gift. A gift he doesn't know about. That gift helped me through all of this.

Some people told him not to marry me, many people told him to wait. Most said it was a bad idea to marry me at seventeen. Ash though is a very impulsive person, he thinks in the moment. He knew he wanted to marry me when he proposed and I said yes as I wanted to marry him. Our friends thought I would be heartbroken and lonely without my husband as his friends knew about his dream but, everyone doesn't know our relationship. I miss him incredibly but I'm still thriving, like I knew I would. Ash knew I would thrive too.

I heard a strong gust of wind along with a big flapping sound and almost immediately ran out of my room to the front door. The pitter patter of two little feet rushed up behind me with two little hands grabbing on my pant leg. They went unnoticed however as my attention is focused at the man in front of me.

Ash was back, like I knew he would. I got a call yesterday from the pokemon league yesterday. They told me he became a pokemon master and completed his training, he proved himself. I have never been so proud of him.

He was stroking his Pokemon that flew him here and he returned it to its pokeball soon after. He then looked straight into my eyes and smiled. It was a real smile, the smile he always reserved for me.

He soon takes notice to the small girl running up to him and his brows furrowed. Nevertheless he picked her up caught my eye. I nod at him and instantly see tears start to form as he hugged her tight. Unable to resist myself, I dashed up to him and embraced him as best I could with our little girl in his arms. Breathing in his scent and petting the yellow mouse who found his way to my shoulder along with looking at the beautiful little girl created three years ago, I finally felt truly happy.

"Misty I'm... I wanted to come back... our daughter...didn't know... I'm so-" he soon breaks off, unable to form more words. I don't blame him. He finally got reunited with us after years of separation. It's hard for me to speak too. I just want to hold Ash.

"It's ok, it's ok Ash" I sniffled out. "You're home."
Titles and ideas keep getting harder at the end, I hope you liked it though!

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