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"So why do you like Misty so much?" A man named Brock asked to one of his closest friends, Ash Ketchum, as they were sitting waiting for the food they ordered. Ash thought thoughtfully for a few moments before responding to that question

"She's unique" is all he said in response. That response was certainly truthful as Misty Waterflower's personality always intrigued Ash. He wasn't really expecting the question and he didn't really have a good answer to such a hard question. Ash really doesn't know why he likes his girlfriend so much, he just does.

"You've been talking about her since we've sat down twenty minutes ago. Is that all you have?"

"Well I don't get to talk about her much to everyone else, I think May, Max, Tracey, and you are four of my only friends who know I'm even in a relationship. A relationship that's been happening for half a year."

It was summer now in Kanto. Ash asked, or attempted to ask, Misty on a date about six months ago from now. He spent the week before Christmas Eve right by Misty's side, leading him to find out that he was in fact romantically interested in her.

Misty did understand that Ash was trying to ask her on a date and she accepted right away, not wanting to drag her answer out and tease the poor boy who was fumbling over words trying to get the message out.

Over the course of their relationship they haven't gotten to see each other much in person but Ash makes sure to call every time he reaches a Pokemon Center or a place with a video phone.

"Let's face it Ash, you didn't visit me just to say hi to an old friend. Misty is just on a business trip for her gym and you got bored."

Ash has taken a two week period off from Alola to visit his girlfriend but during the planned visit, Misty had to go on a little trip to the Indigo Plateau for three days on official gym business. Due to the location of the Indigo Plateau being near Pallet, Ash will meet her there in three days and they'll spend the rest of the time they have together in Pallet. However, it has been five hours since Misty left and Ash, being bored, went to Pewter.

"Maybe so but I did want to stop by at some point. You are still one of my best friends. We can stop talking about Misty though, I just like to talk about her."

Brock rolled his eyes. "I've noticed. You haven't mentioned food at all since I brought up Misty. Considering you couldn't stop complaining about starving to death before I brought her up is a noticeable sign."

Ash just sweat-dropped and sheepishly grinned.

Brock soon looked thoughtful. "I do want to know what you like about her though. Now I'm curious. I mean, I like her too as she's like a sister to me but what do you find attractive about her?"

Brock asked this as recently had been thinking about the girls he found attractive, which was a lot, and comparing them to Misty. Yes Misty was pretty but her type of personality was not something Brock found to be particularly attractive in women.

Ash looked like he was thinking hard about the question before answering. "I don't really know to be honest. She's pretty, strong-willed, a great pokemon trainer. She's also different, a good different. I've met many girls and none of them have been quite like her."

Brock smiled "how so?"

Ash now looked down and his thoughtful expression faded away as he seemed to know exactly what to say. "Most of my friends that are girls are coordinators or performers. Iris is a gym leader but she's well, Iris. Anyway, other girls I have met are not as adventurous, for a lack of a better term. Maybe because they didn't grow up in Kanto. Kanto and Johto are a whole lot different then Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos. Hoenn is a nice mix and that's a reason why I really like May, as a friend obviously."

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