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P- painful

It's painful to watch him and her together. I'm trying to figure out if it's me longing for him or just jealousy of the relationship they hold.

All his friends and I thought he was dense, which he is. He's not the brightest but he's still smart but he just doesn't really get a lot of things. That made him a bit annoying in a pretty enjoyable cute way.

The he started dating her. It's like he displays this whole other side of himself that no one, not even his mother, knew about. He has this protectiveness over her but always lets her solve her own problems until he feels like he should intervene. He just knows what she can and can't handle alone. His support for her is always there, even when she can handle things on her own.

He has instinctive traits yet he's still consistently dense and cute, leaving the girl he's fallen for to help him and explain many things but I can tell she doesn't mind. The love she has for him is so painfully obvious.

He likes to hold her. I can't tell you how many times I've seen him hugging her or cuddling her on a chair or something. That's the most they do in public as more intimate moments are spent in private from what he's told me. He said both feel more comfortable that way. It's very rare to see them kiss in public, both are somewhat embarrassed of it.

However as actions in public lack, he never fails to remind her or us that he loves her, directly or indirectly. He'll be with me and friends and then she'll come up in a conversation and his face just lights up. They way his expression suddenly changes is a small way for me to know he's thinking of her and infiltrating his thoughts. Even when he doesn't say anything when she comes up in a conversation, his facial expression tell all.

It's painful to watch the boy I love learn love from another. It's hard for me to watch him hold her or try and repeatedly fail to tell her how much he truly loves her as words just aren't enough. The heart wrenching, gut sinking, painful feeling, to complex to even explain, becomes normal as the reality is that everything I love about him is loved by another girl.

It's painful to know that I, Misty Waterflower, will never be loved by Ash like her.
Plot twist at the end, yea I'm evil sorry. I'm aware it's one sided pokeshipping but hey, it still counts.

If you're upset, just imagine another character at the end (Dawn, Serena etc) and it might make you feel better.

I hope you liked it.

Oh, and the next oneshot is quite different then the last couple. I'm excited to publish that one.

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