X (as in kiss)

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X- X

Italics are Misty's thoughts
Bold italics are any letters

Dear Mist,

Hehe yea I got your last letter... a break from the gym eh. I just may have to visit.

Alola is great so far! I keep seeing water Pokemon and I always think that if you were with me, you'd be catching them all. You'd love it here.

Anyways, sorry it's quick. I really miss you Mist but I've got to go. I'll see you soon!


X. It's just the letter x. Although that letter does happen to stand for kiss oh my mew I've got to stop. He probably didn't even mean to write that! It must have been a mistake... but it looks like it was meant to be written... Oh no...

Misty Waterflower wasn't mad at the pathetically short letter, or the fact that it took Ash forever to respond. She instead was was contemplating over the letter x and what the heck it was doing under Ash's name when he signed the letter. X can be a symbol for kiss but does he know that? All the same it could've been a mistake, no matter how much it looked like it was meant to be written.

You see, Misty had a thing for Ash. She liked him once but has continuously been believing that she hasn't found anyone that caught her interest for years. She told that to her sisters, friends, even Gary Oak.

Misty has been watching Gary closely lately. Ever since Misty started to exchange letters with Ash again, Gary would ask her about him and if she happened to like said boy. Misty would always deny that profusely.

The truth is that Misty really didn't know. She just says she likes no one, easier that way, but if Ash were to ask her on a date...

No no no, stop it Misty! You're getting too worked up over a stupid letter sent by a stupid boy. Though that stupid boy isn't really stupid anymore... and he's kinder... he's still as determined as ever to be successful... I can only imagine how handsome he is now... ugh, stop it Misty!

Suddenly Misty heard a couple knocks on the door. "Hey, open up Red! Gotta surprise for you!"

Looking out the window, as she didn't really trust Gary's surprises, she gasped when she saw not only Gary, but Ash Ketchum at the door. Thinking back to Ash's letter, she did recall him saying something about visiting but she didn't think he was serious!

Mew does he look cute though. He's got to be taller then me now, if he's as tall as six foot Gary then he has to be. Something's haven't changed though, his crazy hair is still the same... I wonder about his eyes... oh boy...

"Red open up! I know you're home!!"

Yea.. probably should do that...

So Misty rushed to the door and opened it to find an irritated Gary with a friendly looking Ash as expected. Ash gave her one of his warm smiles but didn't make any attempt to hug her. That slightly disappointed Misty but she didn't say anything.

"Geez Red, how long does it take you to open a door!" Gary said as he let himself in. "Anyway, look who I brought! Ashy-boy himself!"

Ash just rolled his eyes at Gary before turning to Misty. "I missed you a lot Misty."

Misty swore a part of her heart just melted slightly at his sweet tone and voice. She hasn't heard him speak in a while as they normally communicate through letters. "I missed you too."

Ok it's now or never.

"Look Ash, I've got to show you something.."

"Wait Misty, sorry but could you show me while we eat? I'm starving!"

So some things really don't change.

Misty sighed but still did have a smile on her face. She ended up preparing a quick meal for Ash, Gary, and her. Misty never really got the change to talk about the letter as Gary was with them and she wanted to have the conversation with Ash alone.

Though once Ash went to the bathroom, Gary started questioning her. "What did you want to ask Ash?"

"Nothing really... it's stupid, honestly."

"Yea right Misty, what is it?"

Misty walked up and grabbed the letter that was sitting on her coffee table as she knew Gary would keep pestering her until she told him. Once she has the letter she walked back over to Gary. "Look at the signature."

"It just says Ash..."

"Look under it."

"It's an x. What's the deal about- oh wow! Who knew Ashy had guts!"

So he did figure it out.

"I don't know if he meant to write that or not but I've been confused over it. "

Gary looked rather thoughtful but inside he was trying to hide a smirk. Gary knew for a fact that Ash liked Misty. It was incredibly obvious at times like earlier today for example when Gary lied and mentioned that he happened to be dating Misty. Ash got really depressed for about a minute until Gary laughed and admitted that he lied. He also followed by saying that Misty wasn't his type. Ash glared at Gary after he said that and asked what his words meant in a tone that got Gary to back off. That was the most obvious hint Gary got from Ash. Gary also had a hunch that Misty returned Ash's feelings. She was stressing over the letter Ash wrote. Though she was confused, Gary could see that Misty hoped that the x Ash wrote was intentional.

Unknowingly to Gary and Misty, Ash heard their whole conversation. While they were talking he decided to get started on yet another letter. A letter he would leave here for Misty to find after he leaves.


The two boys departed for Pallet town around ten o'clock and now Misty was busy cleaning up. However something catches her eye that she knows wasn't there before. It was a letter by... Ash? She curiously opens the letter and automatically jumps back and drops it in shock.

The paper has the letter x all over it. A couple sentences at the bottom of the page gets Misty to pick it up again.

Because I've got a lot of kisses to make up for. See ya tomorrow Misty.

Misty holds the letter close to her chest and starts jumping around her living room with only two things in mind.

1) she is absolutely certain she has a thing for Ash Ketchum, no need to deny it anymore.

2) she absolutely will not be getting any sleep tonight whatsoever.
Definitely the hardest oneshot I've written as there's a dearth of good words that start with x. I know 'x' is technically not a word but once I thought of the plot I couldn't stop writing it.

On another note, I'm sorry for all the grammatical mistakes I keep making in my stories. I really do check all my oneshots over but one or two mistakes sometimes can get over looked. If you find one feel free to point it out and I'll fix it immediately.

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