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Misty sighed as she left her gym, wishing she could still be able to sleep in, it was her off day after all! However, her sisters had different plans. They signed her up for a yoga class and forced her to go at 7:00 am Sunday morning.

The reason the elder Waterflower sisters pushed their little sister into going was due to her abnormally high blood pressure. When Misty came home from a check up visit at the doctor the other day, she causally mentioned it to the trio and they insisted she went to yoga to hopefully lower her blood pressure.

There was no denying Misty was stressed out. The gym had a roofing problem that needed to get fixed due to an incident with a trainer and his newly evolved and out of control pokemon. The damage was pretty costly, especially with a gym leaders salary, and the arrogant trainer refused to pay a single coin. It also happened to be a big month for bills at the gym so money was getting tight this month. The poor girl was living off of cheap microwaveable meals.

The model Waterflower sisters are actually helping out by paying for other parts of the gym that need to get updated. They probably could be helping out more but Misty is just thankful that they are helping.

Other then money issues, Misty is trying to take care of her pokemon and train them so they can become even better. She also is trying to find every opportunity she can to show her pokemon off in battles outside the gym so she could continue to get more powerful and work towards her goal of becoming a water pokemon master. She has to keep her reputation up after all, she has to take every chance she can.

Due to all of the issues she has to deal with, her routine is getting out of order and that itself further stressing her out. She feels like she isn't in control of any the situations placed upon her shoulders. It's no wonder her blood pressure is high.

Unfortunately her sister Daisy who was going to go with her was dragged off to a meeting and since her other two sisters were in charge of the the gym, Misty only had one other choice.

"So why are we going again Misty?" Ash Ketchum said confused to why he had to wake up so early and was currently going to some yoga place in Cerulean.

Misty sighed. "I've told you. My blood pressure is high as I'm stressed and I need to relax to get my blood pressure down. Come on Ash, I've I've repeated it twenty times!"

Ash just gave her a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry, I'm very tired but don't worry, you'll definitely be relaxed after this!"

Misty shook her head and smiled up at him. She could never stay mad at him to long, no matter how much he gets on her nerves.

As they walked into the place. Misty and Ash were instantly greeted by the owner and she showed them to their room. The room was full of people and since Ash and Misty were running a tad late they took the only available spots towards the back of the room.

The lady first started with a series of warm up stretches that Misty completed with ease due to her flexibility. Ash on the other hand was having a bit of trouble.

"Misty, I can't do it" he said exasperated.

"Quiet Ash!" Misty hissed as she continued to stretch while ignoring the people starting at them.

"Now we all move upward into upward dog position. As you move release all tensions through your breathing and relax as you enter a calm state."

"What is she-"

"Shhhhh!" Misty said yet again as she felt her face heat up at Ash's antics.

Ash did get the gist after that and stayed quiet but he still was very confused. How in the world is this relaxing? If he wanted to relax he'd probably go and eat something.

Ash tried and repeatedly failed to do the exercises the yoga teacher was demonstrating. He eventually gave up on the exercises as he kept on falling over. He didn't see it as a big deal but he did notice Misty's look of embarrassment so he decided he should just stop attempting whatever the weird lady was doing. Five minutes after he stopped he looked at Misty and saw she looked pretty happy so he continued to sit there. He was content for a while.

After what felt like forever to Ash, the yoga teacher instructed everyone to lay down flat on their backs and focus on breathing. Ash thought that was simple enough but with the combination of the dark room and silence he began to drift off slowly until he was fast asleep.

Misty broke out of her troubled trance with the sounds of snoring right next to her. Cringing turned to see her best friend sprawled out on the floor sleeping. Fuming with embarrassment she shook him awake, grabbed his hand and left the room.

Misty let go of his hand once they were outside and she looked up at a very guilty Ash in anger. "Can't you just be normal for an hour? All you were doing was making noise next to me. Honestly Ash, I do so much for you! Can't you just do this one thing for me?"

"Give me credit Misty, I was quiet for a while!"

Misty gave a bitter laugh. "Yea, ten minutes out of sixty."

Ash then felt a twinge of annoyance. "Why'd you have to bring me here anyway. I know you needed to go but this was a complete waste of time for me!"

Misty looked shocked at his words and stared at him in pure disappointment. To her embarrassment tears started to form but she blinked them back before Ash could see. How could he be so inconsiderate? "Do you think running around with you for hours to catch a pokemon you want is fun? Do you think  I enjoy stopping what I'm doing to do something you want? I do a lot more for you then you realize Ash Ketchum. Do you think I want to be here doing yoga to take care of myself when I could've done something like payments to try and lessen the load? I brought you here because I wanted someone to go with and I'm sorry you were bored, I knew you weren't the best choice but I thought I could count on you to at least act normally and support me in this one thing I needed to do? News flash, the world doesn't revolve around you Ash Ketchum and friends aren't for only doing what you want whenever you want. I'm going for a walk, don't follow me."

Misty then tore off and left a saddened Ash behind her who was feeling incredibly guilty at his actions. The worst of it was that all her words were true. He knew had to make it up to her but he didn't know how.

Misty eventually decided to head back to the gym after an hour. She spent that hour walking around Cerulean City with guilt lacing with all the stress in her head. Her pride was the only thing stopping her from seeing Ash. All she wanted to do was give him a hug and apologize for snapping at him.

As she walked in the door she saw Ash immediately jumped up and rushed over to her. Before Misty could even speak he immediately caught her in surprise with a comforting embrace. "Misty I'm-

"So am I" she finished off before holding him tight.

"Don't be Misty, I deserved it. I was selfish and I should've been there for you. You really do a lot for me and I should return the favor."

Misty smiled up at him. "Thanks Ash."

"Now lets go for a swim" Ash stated with a big grin on his face.

Misty giggled slightly at how he can so easily change his emotions from guilty to cheerful. "Ash, I've got to get started on bills, I really shouldn't do anything else until some are taken care of."

Ash's grin just got wider. "Don't worry about that, I called Professor Oak and he managed to convince the league to repair the roof free of charge due to the accident not being your fault. I also called Brock about all the other non roof related bills and he helped me fill some out. Don't worry about the money, I've got it covered. Now you can focus on your dreams, your pokemon, err... the rest of the bills... but most importantly, yourself.

Misty was shocked. I guess the guilt really did get to him, this was incredibly sweet. But did he just do it cause he was guilty?

"Why did you do all this?" Misty asked, curious to what his response would be.

Ash looked her straight in the eyes. "That's what best friends do. We may mess up but we always make things better again because we really do care about one another."

And all Misty could do was beam.
I'm sorry it's so late, the final chapter should be up on Friday.

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