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He looks beautiful. The way his hair is hanging in loose curls around his face because of the length of his hair. The way his eyes still stay the same green colour after all these years.

"Baby?" I look at the girl that's hanging of my arm and all I can think about is how she doesn't have the same natural loose curls or beautiful green eyes. Sure she's a pretty girl but in my eyes she just seems like any other girl.

The light isn't following her wherever she goes, her natural beauty doesn't make my heart skip a beat. She doesn't make me catch my breath by just letting her eyes stay on me for a second.

I had one of those beautiful people in my life once, I had him in my arms and I could show the whole world... but I screwed it up because I can't handle feelings, I can't handle getting attached to people when all they do is leave and Break you from the inside until you can't breath.

"Yeah?" I mumble out because I'm getting tired of her, she's not interesting, she was kind of boring in the beginning but I thought she would be crazy in bed... she's not, she's just bad.

"Remember that?" Zayn then say with a tiny laugh while holding his arm around Liam's shoulder... disgusting. They're just too in love for me.

"What?" I say not really interested because the green eyed boy is in my eye sight.

"When you put that house on fire a few years ago? You really showed us all then!" I know he's only saying this to fuck with me, he still believes I am capable of falling in love.

He's in love with Liam now but I know he's still kind of butt hurt that I picked Harry Styles the nobody before him.

He didn't love Liam back then and it was only some stupid fun to get out my frustration because Harry gave me nothing... until those stupid fucking words slipped out. Those words that pretty much forced me to get rid of him.

So I did the only thing that I knew how to, destroying things... there of a house and his heart.

"I heard about that! Is it true you did it to show everyone you don't care if your boyfriend died in a fire?" Amanda? No. Ashley? Yeah Ashley say.

"Just knock it off" I say and decide to just walk away from them, my beautiful eye stone isn't visible in my eye sight anymore so I can just go and smoke my life away... just like it was always meant for me to do.

"Aye Lou we are only joking! Come on don't be like that!" Liam say but I can hear the laughter in his voice. The hurt is there but I know that if I smoke a cigarette or two it will go away for a while...

I can feel the cold air wrapping around my arms and I try not to show anyone when I walk over to the parking that I'm cold. I don't need anyone thinking that some cold air can make me weak.

I'm not weak. I'm stronger than ever before, nothing can stop me because I'm not afraid of anything.

I put a cigarette in between my lips before I open the door to the front seat of my car. I start the car and just let it heat up while I pick music from my phone and light the stick of death.

I got one voice mail and I just shake my head when I see it. I'm so tired of this. I take a deep breathe and let the smoke fill my lungs. It's such a calming feeling, the burning sensation is nice.

I press the button to listen to the voicemail and I hate hearing her voice. I don't want them to guilt trip me.

"Hi Louis it's Lottie... I just wanted to say we're good. We miss you...." she pauses for a while but I can still hear her breathing so I don't hang up.

"Please come home..." and then it ends.

I put the phone down on the passenger seat and the music that was playing from it before I listened to the voicemail keeps going.... just like nothing happened.

I drive out of the parking space and just away, I just need to get away, away from those green eyes that had me captured from day one.


Who is he?

How can I not have noticed someone so beautiful before? He is a special kind of beautiful, like he could be a model but if you don't look close enough you wouldn't even notice that.

He have that face to be on every magazine cover but at the same time no one would put him on them because the world is ugly and would find imperfections on that face.

They would find that one thing they don't like and point it out... because that's what we do...

And when his green eyes meet mine I'm captured by how mesmerising they are, I have never felt like someone's eyes can slow down time.

We only have eye contact for a couple of seconds but it felt like everything around us just stopped, just took a moment to pause.

"Louis?" Perrie is waving a hand in front of my face and pulling me out of my own head.

I look at her and she tells me that it was like I would be on a different planet... and when I look back he isn't there anymore, maybe I am on a different planet? Because no one on earth can be that pretty.

"Wanna take a smoke?" Perrie asks and I look around a little in hopes of catching a glimpse of him... but when I don't, I just follow her outside to let the cigarette soothe me.

I haven't slept much because of Zayn lately so maybe I'm hallucinating things.

Tell me what you think! Any specific event you want me to go in to when I write from Louis point of view?

Tell me everything and hopefully you guys like it!

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