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I'm looking at him and I just can't take my eyes off him. My arm is around some girls waist but I don't even remember her name, and it's not easier to remember it when he is standing there looking like a prince.

I can't get the thought that's been hanging around and echoing in my head out of it.

I need him.

I don't even feel like it's a thing of want anymore it's a aching to have him here instead of this skinny bitch, her waist is thinner than should be humanly possible.

Sure she's a pretty girl but honestly compared to Harry and his locks she lose every single competition. What the hell everyone would lose against Harry!

He walks away and I just act on instinct I don't think over anything. I drop her waist and leave the group of people that suddenly just goes quiet. I feel all the eyes on me but I need to do this.

I need him.

"We need to talk... now" I say and when I get close enough for him to hear it, I don't think that I have ever thought that I would say those words in such a serious voice before. I can almost hear the silence around us from the tone of my voice.

He doesn't answer he just follow me out to my car where we can talk without having ears from all the people that's inside of the school. I already have too much gossip going around about me and I'm tired of it and don't want to hear more of it.

"I want you to know that it's not true, what she wrote in the letter... it's not true" I say and think back about what Perrie told me yesterday.

She told me that she gave him a letter about the feelings I told her about. I trusted her!

A couple of days ago

I pick her up with my car and we just drive around in silence for a while, just wasting som gas.

"What is going on Louis?" The way she is talking and the tone in her voice tells me that she pretty much already know everything, she knows I need Harry.

"I love him Perrie"

"Isn't that a good thing?" She ask me and I can hear the confusion in her voice.

"No... because I don't want to be with him." The words are hurting to say.

Back to now

"Okay." I can see that he is trying to cover it up, but the hurt in his eyes are there. I just want to wrap him in my arms.

"She was lying... because I do love you and I want to be with you"

He just stand there silent and I don't know what to do or say, the words just slipped out of my mouth and now when they're out in the open I can take them back.

I can't change my mind now. I need to go though with this now because I know that he think I already broke him... but if I back out now I break him until the point where it's no recovery in sight anymore.

"You hit her." He suddenly say and flashbacks from when She told me she told him. I raised my hand in anger and just slapped her over her cheek.

"Who?" I can even hear in my own voice how bad of a liar I am, I have never been a bad liar but this, this is so see through that no matter how stupid you are you can hear me lying from a mile away!

"Don't you dare pretend you don't know! Don't you dare say you didn't because I heard you hit Perrie in the bathroom!" He raises his voice to me and I don't like it, I don't like the feeling it gives me in my chest.

I'm not supposed to feel like this.

I'm supposed to just don't give a fuck and just turn around and leave him there to break down. I'm supposed to break his heart and not care at all...

But I can't because he makes me feel things I can't explain.

I need him

"You weren't supposed to know that." I don't know why I say that because as soon as the words leaves my mouth I regret them, of course he wasn't but he does and that sentence doesn't help me in this situation at all!

"Even if I didn't know it wouldn't have changed anything... it still happened. Just because people doesn't know it happens, doesn't mean it didn't happen" he starts off getting more angry by every word, and I just stand there taking him throwing shot at me, because I deserve it.

He needs to get it out... and I need to hear this. I need someone to be mad at me, someone who's opinion actually matters.

I need him

"You're such a fake!! You think that you can go around and cause me pain for years and then just get back in my life like nothing happened?"  He continues and it's hurting, my chest is hurting. It's like he is throwing knives at me.

I can't listen to this no more!

"Shut up!" I say and it comes out a lot quieter than I thought. I'm not supposed to be weak, he is not supposed to see me this weak!

"Don't tell me what to do!" He is mad, really mad.

So I do the only thing that comes to my mind. I grab him and pull him close to me.

And then I let my body take over, I just shut out the screams of my brain telling me to stop. I shut it out.

I just need to feel those lips against mine even if it might be for the last time, I need to remember how it feels like!

So I just press my lips to his!

I let them dance together like they've done so many times before.

And when he doesn't resist and just follows along I know that there is still hope.

I know he didn't let go.

One day he will be mine and I will fix him...

I promise you Harry Styles that one day I will fix you. I will fix what I broke!

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