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I stand outside Harry's classroom waiting for him to come out, when he finally does I throw my arm around him, making sure that everyone sees that he is mine.

"I want to take you out, on a real date." I say, I've been thinking about this for a full hour and a half while Harry was in class.

"A real date? Why?" I'm a little surprised why he is asking me that, like seriously why should it be such a surprise that I want to take him out?

"Because I want to? Do I really need a reason to take my boyfriend out?" I try to sneak the boyfriend word in there hoping that he won't care about it, that he will just pretend that it is okay.

"Boyfriend?" His voice is so quiet when he says it so I decide not to waste my breathe answering him. Seriously he doesn't have a say in it anyway, I've already decided that he is mine so why should he need to agree now?

We walk together in to the cafeteria, I can feel all the people that are looking at us and I like knowing that people will realise to stay the fuck away from him because he is my property.

"So what are you thinking about maybe dinner and a movie?" I suggest when I pick up some food from the lunch line.

"Or maybe we could go to one of those museums you like to go to." I continue, I remember how he would beg me to go there. He loves art that doesn't make sense to me, such a weirdo.

"I don't go there anymore."

"Why not? You loved it there."

"Just not my thing anymore." I can hear it in his voice that he is hiding something, but I can't put my finger on what. Like serisouly we would have the best times at those museums, all the sex we would have in the bathrooms was mind blowing.

We don't talk about it for the rest of the lunch and then we just part ways for the rest of the day, Harry somehow ended up with agreeing on going on a date with me and I have the perfect idea in mind.

I'm taking him to a concert that I know he will love.

A few days later we are sitting in my car on our way to London, he doesn't know that tough he just thinks we are going on a boring date.

I can see the surprise in his face when we enter the big city, he is so caught up by everything outside the window that he almost doesn't notice when I drive up outside of the O2.

"We are here." I say to make him snap back in to reality.

"Are we going to see All Time Low? Are you fucking kidding me!" He is shining from pure happiness, I consider playing a prank on him telling him no but something about the way he is looking at me makes it hard to break him like that.

"Yes we are baby." I answer him while parking the car in a parking spot.

He keeps telling me how happy he is to be here when we are walking up towards the arena, I can't help but feel like I've actually done something right for once. Maybe I will get laid tonight, who knows.

We missed the opening act due to the traffic being a little more than I expected but Harry doesn't really seem to mind.

When the light goes out and the concert starts I can't help but to look at the young boy who is standing beside me in pure happiness.

"Here we are, At the end of the road, a road that's quietly caving in, Come too far to pretend that we don't, we don't miss where we started..." He is screaming the lyrics back towards the band standing on the stage, it's such a pure act of love that I can feel my heart skip a beat. He looks so beautiful right now.

He turns towards me and give me a smile that could stop time, and when he leans in to kiss me I feel like time actually stops for us. 

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