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I don't know why he did stop, but I'm so happy he did. I walk up beside him just so I'm standing close to him, I want to feel the heat from his body against mine but I know that it isn't really possible at the moment.

I reach out to grab his hand but he doesn't let me take it, but I'm okay with that. I'm okay with just walking beside him.

We walk together in the halls and I can feel how people are looking at me, they usually look at me but I know that it is because I never go back to someone.

The only one I've ever gone back to is Helena but she is a completely different person from Harry. She is someone so evil that the things she have done doesn't even affect her anymore.

"HARRY!" Perrie's voice echoes thought the corridor and I know that Harry notice the little blue tint on her face that is left from the other day when I hit her.

Harry greets her with just saying her name.

"I see you two made up, I'm so happy for you two I always liked it best when you were a thing" Her voice is filled with happiness and I can see how Harry is thinking way harder than he needs to, that is something he always does.. Overthink everything.

"That depends on how you mean made up... Harry here can't get over somethings he is letting the past ruin our future" I try to make it sound like a joke, but realize when the words leave my mouth that I failed miserable.

It's not much more that we say to each other before the bell rings and Harry tells us that he needs to go.

I watch him as he walks to his next class and I know that my eyes aren't the only once that are on him at the moment.

"Want to get out of here?" Zayn says when he comes up to us, he doesn't look pissed about what I did to his car which is a good thing.

"I don't know." I answer, knowing fully well that he wants me to follow him home and in to bed. Even though Liam knows now I still feel like maybe I shouldn't do it.

"I could just suck you off in the bathrooms if that's what you want." Zayn says with a smirk on his lips, I haven't really noticed it before but desperation doesn't really fit him.

"I think I'm just going to go to class actually." I answer him before leaving him there in the empty hallway.

I step in to the classroom and all eyes are suddenly on me, I look around the classroom and a smile spread on my lips when I see the curly haired boy sitting by one of the tables... and there is an empty seat beside him.

"Hi." I say without getting an answer back, I know that he is still holding a grudge against me.

I decide not to let if face me and just pull out the chair beside him and sit down.

"You look pretty today and I want you to know I notice the effort you put in that outfit" I say checking him out, knowing fully well that he loves to be complemented on his outfits because he does put a lot of effort in to them.

"I also noticed those dark circles under your eyes... I know you don't sleep well... or at least not as good as when it was us" I say in a lower voice so no one else will hear what we are talking about.

"Stop." That is all he says to me, and I decide not to push it anymore right now, so I just sit there watching him trying to concentrate on the lesson.

I don't talk to him when I leave the lesson because I really don't want to risk pushing him more away from me.

I watch him when he puts his books in to his locker and realize that I'm turning in to a creep with all this watching. So instead of trying to make him see that the letter actually was true then I just leave before I do something I'll regret.

So I just walk over to my black Audi and drive off, not really caring about any traffic rules. I drive to a little lake outside of town where I stop the car and just walk over to the water. I take up my phone and realize that Lottie have called once again, this time without leaving a voicemail.

I take up a cigarette and let the stick rest against my lips while I light it. I try not to think about the time I brought Harry here, he is the only one I've taken with me to this spot.


"Where are we going?" I look over at the curly haired boy who is having too much positive energy. I honestly don't understand how someone can be so happy all the fucking time. Like this world is full of shit and he still manage to see the good in everyone.

So Naïve.

"Don't you ever shut up?" It was meant to come out in a joking tone but ended up sounding harsher than was I intended it to, but I don't apologise.

I honestly don't know where I am bringing him, I just wanted to drive around with him in the passenger seat for a while. I just said that I wanted to bring him somewhere just so I would have an excuse to spend some more time with him today.

I think of all the places I know that is on this side of town and only one place make sense to bring him.

I drive down to the little lake and turn off the engine.

"This is where we are going." I answer and open the door to step out. I think for a second if I should go around the car and open the door for him, but I know that he will get some stupid idea of me being in love with him if I do.

So I just walk down to the water waiting for him to follow me.

I hear how he is getting out of the car behind me and I try to hide the smile on my lips when he catches up to me. I'm just so happy to be here with him.

"This place is magical." He says and I can't help but wish I brought him here on a sunny day because it's so much prettier then. Now when the sky is cloudy and there is rain in the air it's defiantly not as magical.

He stands beside me and I can't help but to just take his hand in mine, the feeling sets my whole body on fire. I try not to think about how perfectly his hand fits in mine because if I think about it for too long I will start feeling.

I can't do that to myself, he isn't anyone special he is just another one of my toys. He is just someone I need to take out my needs on.

I can't feel anything else than lust for him, I can't allow myself. 

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