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I feel the burning sensation hitting my throat like a calming fire erupting in my body... I look at the people around me all of them wasted behind their right judgment. If I asked anyone to light someone else on fire they would do it.

They would do it just for fun. Fucked up but still something so nice about it, that I could end someone life by wrapping people around my finger.

Green eyes.

They're flashing in front of my face, they're there when I close my eyes. Imprinted on my eyelids. They're burning a hole in my soul, burning a hole inside of me that I don't know how to fill...

The hole is growing bigger and soon it will be bigger than I am, it will be my whole inside. I will just be a shell walking around because there is nothing left of me.

"Louis darling!" Maria a girl from my circle of friends stumble over to me, she's not really a friend but she is doing everything that she can so we will accept her in to our group...

Too bad that she don't realise that no one get accepted because we're not a group we're just people who everyone haven't had an easy path in life, we are just lost kids that's was trying to make it out of the darkness... until we just embraced it and realised that the darkness isn't something bad... it's the security you have when nothing else is going your way.

"Maria." I say and take another shot of vodka, I look at her and I hate that I have had 7 shots of vodka and still don't feel the buzzing feeling of the alcohol taking over my body.

"I'm horny, wanna have some fun?" She asks and makes some movement that probably is supposed to look sexy but the amount she have had to drink just makes her look really unappealing to me, she's not really an attractive girl to begin with.

She is trying to sit down in my lap but I'm just so done with her being on me all the time. So I just push her to the floor... and then the game is one, she doesn't get up fast enough so people start pushing her around...

The don't kick a man who's laying down doesn't really apply to us, we do it just a game, so you fall? Get up fast or get kicked around like you're a worthless piece of shit.

I just sit there on the couch looking how they're leaving her bleeding from her noise. She doesn't belong her everyone knows it.

She's a rich little daddy's girl who wants to hang with the "bad" crowed to piss her parents off... but if you don't belong don't fucking try to make your way there.

"She's so pathetic" I look at Perrie. She is usually the one who always cares about everyone, she belongs with us though, I need her even if she isn't like the rest of us.

"She is trying so hard to get us to like her but showing off her money and strutting around like she's better than everyone else..." I say and like continue what Perrie is thinking... for Fuck sake we're all thinking it, she is pathetic, she isn't one of us and was never meant to be.

"Are you drunk?" Perrie asks me and look at all the vodka bottle that isn't at all as full as it was when I got here in the beginning.

"Yes... but it doesn't do the trick... not anymore." I say and she is putting away the mess around us.

"Come on let's get to my place." She say and pulls me up from the couch. I follow her though the mess of people smoking, drinking and dry humongous each other.

"Feeling sober enough to drive?" She asks when we get to my car and I just nod. I'm always sober enough to drive.

We sit down in the car and everything just gets so quiet when the doors are closed and the loud noises from the house is locked outside, it's just a dull sound now.

I start the car and drive, I make my way to Perrie's house in a speed that is way above the speed limit, there is not much cars around which is good for the people around me. I don't care if they die or get hurt but they might.

The music is playing on the radio and then I hear that one song that Harry always played... what is the band called?

My brain is beating it self up for not remembering.

"Oh I love this song can you turn it up?" Perrie say and I just do... and just like that I'm back in the car with Harry.

I'm in the car driving while he is singing along.

I can hear his voice so clearly now! The voice of an angel that makes me feel wanted, loved... he makes me feel like I matter... like I'm not useless.

The way his voice is a little raspy while he is singing the words that has such a deep meaning to him.

The way his lips forms the words like nothing else in the world matters.

Like no matter what happens we will have that moment... It's a memory that is playing like a movie in my head.

"LOUIS!!!" Perrie screams out and I am snapped out of my own mind.

I make a sharp left turn so we don't collide with the tree that was right in front of us.

Neither of us say anything. We just sit there while we continue driving down the road.

The music is playing in the background and I can still not really focus on anything else than those green eyes and brown locks that have me hypnotist.

He's eyes still got me captured after all those years... he still have me capture after all these years.

Arrogant boy, love yourself so no one has to.


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