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I watch him sit there on the couch like a little kid with the popcorn in his hands and a big smile on his face. I can't believe I actually agreed to come over to his place and have a fucking movie night. I don't see it as natural thing to do. It's not something I do.

"You're going to love this movie, it's one of my favourites." He says when I finally sit down beside him on the couch. I highly doubt that I'm going to love it... I don't like movies, especially not romantic movies.

He starts the movie and I can feel how I zone out, I know it was important to him to see this movie but honestly couldn't he have watched it without me?

The movie with some stupid name about ten things is absolutely crap, sure Harry seems to love it but it's just such a bad movie. You knew that they would end up together, they always do in movies.

"Wasn't is amazing?" He looks up at me from where he rest his head in my knee and I just look at him, I feel the need to tell him how crappy it is. But then when he looks at me with those beautiful green eyes I can't break him.

"Yeah it was good." The lie leaves my lips so easy but to see that smile on his face makes it worth it.


I ask him about if he wants to pick the music when we're on our way to school, but all I get back is a small shake of the head.

He have been weird ever since I mentioned going bowling earlier this morning. How was I supposed to know that he didn't like it? We used to do it all the time.

"Do you have math today?" It's such a weak attempt for him to talk to me, but I'm desperate.

"Yes I do... why you asking?" Why am I asking? I try to think of a reason because it was honestly a random question just to get him to talk to me.

"I just remember how you always complained about how bad you were at it." Lies, I don't remember that but I hope I'm right.

"I've actually gotten kind of good at it now." The answer is so plain and I just need something to make him talk to me. I sit there for a while just driving trying to come up with something that will make him speak to me more than short sentences.

"Do you want me to pull over so we can have a quickie right here?" The words leave my lips before I can have a chance to think them over.

"What the fuck Louis? Why in the world would you think that is something I would want?" Okay... so it defiantly wasn't the best thing to say, but he does talk to me with more than a few words.

"I just thought we were okay, that we just start of where we left it last time. Since when are you such a prude." I am defiantly just pouring gasoline on the fire right now.

"I'm not the same person anymore. I was so stupidly in love with you and scared of you at the same time back there so I just never dared to say anything against you!" He is almost shouting at me at this point and his words just doesn't make sense in my mind, that is not how it was.

"Don't you dare say you didn't want it, you begged for me to fuck you at every chance you got!" I don't know why I yell at him because this is defiantly not what I thought would happen.

I park the car outside of the school and Harry is so fast out of the car that I can't even think about something else to say to him.

I curse under my breathe feeling angry about how he makes me feel right now. I follow him feeling like he is just teasing me all the fucking time.

We pass the bathrooms and a crazy idea comes in to my mind, and I decide not to think too much about it and just act on it.

I grab his arm and pull him inside of the bathroom with me.

"Get the fuck out." I say to the two boys standing by the sink, they don't even look up at me when they leave.

"I will remind you how fucking much you begged for it." I whisper in to Harry's ear, feeling how I'm so fucking done with him teasing me by just being close to me. He makes me get blue balls every single time I'm with him but not today.

"Are you crazy? Anyone can see us here." He says when I leave trails of kisses down his neck, I let my hands move all over his body not caring if someone would walk in on us.

"Who cares, it's not like we haven't done it before." I don't stop what I'm doing to say it, just leave kisses between the words.

I move my hand down to his jeans needing them off, I still leave loads off kisses all over his neck while I let my hand slip inside of his underwear. I feel him against my hand and I can't help but remember how every single part of his body feels like.

Just when I'm about to move my hand over him the door opens.

"Get the fuck out." I scream to the boy who just entered the bathroom, he doesn't think twice before he is out of the door again.

"We can't do this here." He tries to hold in a moan when he says it, but the way I'm moving my hand over him defiantly makes it harder for him to concentrate on what he is saying.

"Says who?" I say still moving my hand.

"Louis..." his voice is shaky and I can feel him tensing up under my touch, I remember how he used to do that every time he was close. Yes baby let it all out for me.

"Fuck." I feel him being so close to his breaking point and all I want is his filthy mouth all over my body.

"Really Louis?!" Zayn enters the bathroom exactly at the moment that Harry releases in to my hand and I want to beat the living shit out of Zayn for seeing him like that.

"What do you want Malik? I'm a little busy." I try to sound calm but all I want is to rip his head off. I keep my hand down Harry's pants not really ready to let go of the moment yet.

"The whole fucking school is talking about how you're fucking one of your old boy toys in the bathroom." Couldn't this have waited?

"Who cares?" I say, taking my hand out of Harry's pants realising that the moment is over and that Zayn won't leave.

"You should, we aren't people that sleep with just one person." Zayn say while I make my way over to the sink to wash off my hands.

Oh like him and Liam? I can't believe how Liam got back to him after everything.

"I don't. I just don't see why it's such a big deal honestly." I'm so done with the conversation, I just want to return to what me and Harry was doing before Zayn interrupted. But considering the look on Harry's face that won't be happening either.

"You have History now right?" I decide to focus my energy on Harry and follow him to his next class instead of trying to talk to Zayn right now.

"Yes." He sounds so small when he answers and I know it's because of Zayn.

"I'll walk you there...We can stop by my car, I have some clean underwear." I say and look down at the wet spot in his current underwear.

"You will come crawling to me for it, just like last time!" Zayn yells after us when we leave the bathroom and I can feel how Harry tenses up a little beside me.

"Oh trust me I won't." 

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