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I sit and take another breathe of my cigarette behind the school when I get a text from Harry, I'm surprised that he still have my number... I'm even more surprised that I still have his, and with an actual heart behind it. I must have added that later on when my emotions took over, because I defiantly don't remember putting it there.

Meet me after school?

I have to read the message a couple of times before I actually understand what it says, he wants to meet me.

Sure, meet me at my car?

I send it fast hoping he haven't changed his mind during the minute it took me to read and answer his message.


One word that changes everything, I feel butterflies that I don't really want to feel. I don't want to be in love with this curly haired boy, but I don't think I have a say in it.

I smoke the last of my cigarette before I look at the clock on my phone, it's half an hour until the end of last class, which means Harry is texting in class. That is very unlike him.

I stand there lighting another cigarette feeling how every minute just goes slower and slower. Why does half an hour feel like three hours when you want it to go fast? But when you don't have much time and in a hurry it feels like ten minutes.

I walk over to my car when I have almost ten minutes until Harry is out of class, hoping that the three minute walk there somehow will end up being at least seven... turns out it only lasted three minutes even if I tried to drag it out.

I stand against my car watching all the people who are starting to walk out of school, and when I finally see those brown curls I feel something inside of me ignite.

"Hey baby doll" I say and reach out to touch his curls when he is close enough. I want to cures myself for calling him baby doll but I try not to let it face me.

"Hi." He says it in such a weird tone that I feel like I'm breaking on the inside, I can clearly see that he is having an inner battle with himself and me touching those beautiful locks isn't helping.

"How come you changed your mind?" I ask and realize that the tone of my voice isn't like I actually want to know. I notice that Harry is having a hard time knowing what it actually means.

"I got a different perspective on my thoughts" His words make me feel a little more at ease and I can clearly feel myself relaxing a little more.

We get in to the car and I feel so happy that he actually got in to it with me so I don't have to feel like a complete idiot.

"Where do you wanna go?" I ask him the question while I start the car.

"Nowhere and everywhere" I almost smile at his answer because it's such a typical Harry thing to say, he never actually cared where we went when we were in the car.

The music is playing in the background while we're driving around. The sun have already set so it's pretty dark outside.

"I love this song." Harry suddenly says and just like an instinct I reach over to turn the volume up from him. I guess he was thinking of doing the same because our hands touch and I can feel a jolt of electricity go through my whole body from the small little touch.

"Good." I even surprise myself with the softness of my voice. I didn't expect myself to be this sentimental with him.

We drive around with the music from the radio being the only thing filling the silence.

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