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I stand in the hallway with the others when I see him, I can't believe how beautiful he actually is.

"Hey Tomlinson I have a dare for you." Zayn says and I look over at him, intrigued by what he have to say to me. I listen to his dare and then I do the stupidest shit I could.


I don't know why I playing with his feelings. I trying to talking to him, I trying so hard to get him back! Even if everything I do is showing something else. I want to see what can happen... but I know this will ruin it all.

I asked him to meet me at Jane's and I'm already regretting everything I'm about to do to him.

The whole day passes and all I can think about is how I'm going to break him even more.

He walks in and my whole world stops, I can't understand how someone can be so beautiful.

"I want a second chance." I say when he asks me what I want. I don't even want to know what he will say because either way it will hurt.

"No." He says and just leaves. I look at him and my eyes doesn't leave him until he's out of my sight.

That's when I go out to the red car which Zayn is standing beside with a cigarette in his hand.

"So tell me what did he say?" Zayn say with a laugh, this was his idea... he is playing me like a puppet.

"No.... I only got a no back" I say and look at him, he is laughing and I can feel it being like a punch to my stomach.

"The fact that he actually believed you is just sad" he say and I let's out a little laugh.

He just stands there for a while and laughing at the boy who's heartbroken because of me. The boy that doesn't deserve pain.

"Jump in the car." He suddenly say and I just follow him like a puppy, I let him play with me because I don't have any other point in life.

The ride back to Zayn's place is quiet but you can really feel the tension in the car. The way Liam's jacket is laying in the backseat is not making things easier... but I'm already a bad person so why does it matter? It shouldn't matter. I don't care anymore.

Getting out of the car and in to Zayn's apartment goes faster than I thought it would. Hands are grabbing me all over my body.

His hands are pulling my hair while his lips are pressing against mine, they're so demanding and I can't help but give in to his needs of being the one in charge...

I can't be in charge over Zayn because I don't want him... I don't want to control him because I don't care about him... it's just sex.

Clothing is being left in a trail after us from the hallway to the bedroom, his bedroom is a mess with dirty clothes laying everywhere.

"Off" he mumbles while he presses his lips against my neck. I know he wants me to take off my black Calvin Klein underwear, and I just do as he say. I'm like in a hypnosis where I do everything he is telling me too...

And I don't know what happened but there I am with his dick in my mouth naked on my knees. It's such a weird feeling because it's not me who's in charge of this... he is. He is pressing it down my throat, he is so much more than Harry ever was... Harry always was the one that wanted to go slow and actually make it enjoyable... this is just lust and Zayn trying to get his sexual frustration out.

"Oh" the heartbreaking voice is heard in the room over Zayn's deep breathes and my gagging... and then it just goes quiet and everything stops.

Somehow Zayn manage to get from the position in the middle of the room to out of the room without me even noticing that I don't even have his dick in my mouth until he's gone...


That voice full of heartbreak was Liam's. The way you could hear the tears pressing from that single little sound his body let out when he saw us...

He loves Zayn...

Zayn don't really love him... even if everyone think he does.

Zayn is even better than me at playing games with peoples feelings... because he don't get bored until he knows that every single thing he have done will push them over the edge... Zayn isn't looking for someone to break... he is looking for someone to damage so badly that they don't see a point in living anymore.

I stand up from my knees and just look for my clothes. I can hear the crying and screaming from the living room
So I just decide to leave.

"You!!" Liam screams when he sees me in the hallway... goddamn it Zayn why did you have to have the living room close to the hallway so I can't sneak out without Liam seeing me.

"Fuck off Liam. We both know this isn't on me." I say before leaving.

I don't even care to get all the way out to the car before I light my cigarette. The old lady on the first floor who always seems to see when I fuck up look at me with a judgmental look because of the burning stick in my mouth.

I open the door and just pull out Zayn's keys from my pocket. I took them before leaving, I guess he won't mind and if he does I don't care.

I start the car and let the smoke from the cigarette surround me while the radio is playing on low... I don't feel anything, I just know that I didn't only just screw up my life and my chances with Harry... I screwed up Liam's life..

If he's lucky he might not feel like killing himself, if he just feels broken then he should thank me for sucking Zayn off...

I just drive until I get tired of it... and then I just decide that Zayn doesn't deserve such a pretty car anyways. So I just drive right out in to a field and turn the motor off. I sit there in the middle of the high grass for a while before I walk out of the car and just leave the car keys in it...

Zayn is a dick so hopefully someone who needs a car takes this one.

Then I just starts walking home.

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