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I feel like I need to put a trigger warning on this! I don't want to spoil anything but if you're easily triggered by death then this might not be for you sorry.


Walking... just walking, the cold air is grabbing my jacket and trying to make it come off.

"Louis..." I look at Maria who is standing outside of the school, she looked like shit and her voice is small. She is bruised everywhere and I can see that when she tries to move normally that she is in pain. The way her face changes shows that she is trying to hide it.

"Yeah" I say and I even surprise myself how bored I sound. I sound like I couldn't care less.

"Aren't you even going to apologise?" She asks and I can her how broken she sounds, why would I apologise I haven't done anything.

"Me? Apologies? To you?" I laugh a little like it's the funnies joke I've heard in a while.

"Do you honestly I care? You got yourself in to this all by yourself princess. No one ever wanted you to hang out with us from the beginning.... so do us all a favour and just go back to your perfect life." I say and take a deep breathe of the cigarette that I later on breath out right in to her face.

"So don't ever say I should apologise this one is all on you princess.... and I done apologise don't you know that!" I say and I can feel the anger boiling inside of me, who the fuck does she think she is for real.

"But you pushed me..." she sounds so small... what the fuck is wrong with this chick?

I walk past her and just push her to the ground and I can see that she is having a hard time getting up.

I just keep walking... but stop in my track when I'm almost inside of the school and hear his voice.

"Hey, are you okay?" He sounds so sincere like he really cares about her. I need to get him out of my head. I need to get him out fast!

"Louis!!!" I see Zayn standing with his arm around Liam from where the sound of my name is coming from. I walk over to them and get a big smile from Liam who is just to innocent for his own good. The fact that he thinks Zayn is faithful is just sad.

Everyone knows that he is out with someone new when Liam is waiting at home faithful, but no one cares enough to actually tell Liam. I've been thinking about doing it so many times but I know that if I do Zayn will tell Harry and then it will be zero chance of us ever staring over... but then again I tried to burn him alive... or not tried to but I could have done it.

I knew somewhere deep down he would make it out alive but there was still a little chance that I could have been wrong.

I've killed before... but I don't think I could manage killing him.


"Just do it Louis!" Her voice is having such an evil tone, but I know that I need to do this. She won't love me if I don't do this.

I look at the boy in front of me, he is older than me but I he's still a boy. The way his eyes are pleading to me not to do it.

"Think of what he did to me!" She raise her voice to me and all I can think of is that I will do this because she loves me and I love her. If I do this I will prove my love to her!

"Please..." he is trying to stay alive, he is just pleading to me not to kill him.

"Do it for me, don't you love me Louis?" Her voice is echoing in the empty house. It's so quiet.

It's only us here and I don't know what to do.

I just push the chair away with my foot and he just hang there trying to get air... but he can't because I cut all of his airways off.

"Come on let's go before his girlfriend gets home." Her voice is so cold and when she puts her hand on my shoulder I don't recognize her touch anymore.

I look at his body hanging there from the ceiling.. it looks like suicide but it wasn't... i killed him. I did that.

But I did it to prove my love for her... he deserved it... right?


I walk down the corridor and just know that I need to get Harry back... I have never felt like that with anyone else than with him...

Not even with her... and she made me kill to prove that I loved her... she made me like this... I wasn't always this cold.

She changed me and I don't think I can change back after that. I still sometimes wake up at night because of the dreams of his body hanging there from the rope...

The fact that I can't look at the girl who is walking around with a daughter thinking her father didn't want her so he killed himself...

I'm a horrible person. I held a gun to his head and made him write a note about not wanting a kid, about not being ready... and that he can't leave her and live with himself...

I made it look like suicide. I caused a little girl pain. I am the reason that she won't have a dad.

I'm the reason... I'm the reason she will blame herself if she ever finds out why her dad isn't around... I killed an innocent man, because of a stupid crush...

And now I don't care who gets hurt anymore... but still I can't look at her... I can't look her in the eyes... the girl that was pregnant when he died... the girl who loved a boy and I ruined it...

That's probably the only thing I can never forgive myself for... I ruined a family before it even began.

And all for her...

All for Helena.

Tell me what you think people!!!!!

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