Chapter 18

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Wazzzzzzuppppppppppppp my kickass lovelies Its a new day and the birds are chirping and the sound of school almost being over is getting closer and closer.

Sooo my Birthday Is coming up, Its May 7th so that's means I'm getting more flawless ahhh.But on a different note my editor deeply apologizes for not being able to edited the last chapter. In other words like I said last chapter I won't be able to post as frequently as I do now but that chapters are going to be longer. So please be patient with me and dont be mad at me if I dont update every week on Friday like this update for instantce.

"All I have, I will give to you
In dark times when no one wants to
I will give you me
And we'll be
Us - The XX, Our song

Ciara POV:

I try to stay positive and strong but it's soo hard too. I try having conversations down here to past the hour by buts it's hard to talk about something unless John does something or about how we want to get out and about our families, It's depressing down here and I think I'm getting sick and I have a huge bruise on my face and back. I look like a hot mess, were only allowed to shower when we have to go 'work'.
It's only been five hours since I made my discovery about Johns son.
I lost all my hope in him because for some godforsaken reason he won't go to the cops and turn his father in and maybe I can get out.

Finally he came into his office after five hours doing something.

"I don't know how the hell you know but you need to keep that little mouth of your shut or I'll make sure it stays shut" John said pulling out a sewing kit.

"What do I know?"

"Don't play dumb bitch now, about my son. I saw you talking about it."

"How can you see me?"

"I have cameras installed in there, what you didn't think I will give you some privacy" he said chuckling.

"So keep it shut and I can't wait until your missing ad is off the walls and your on the street because I'm thinking about opening the house to business, isn't that a splendid idea babe." he said grabbing my face and pulling me super close to him.

"You can be the house favorite, babydoll" he said as he pressed his lips to mine but I pushed him off of me which resulted in another slap to my face and hit my head on the back of my chair.

"You need to get inside that fucked up brain of yours, that your mine now so you gonna do whatever the hell I say" he said yelling and spitting in my face.

"Now get up" He said but I didnt listen to him because Im a human and I demand respect.

"Oh really now, you demand respect fine, respect granted" He said with a malicious grin on his face which proved that his words had another meaning behind them besides him giving me respect.

"Now would you like me to escort you miss to your room with your buddies." he said with a smirk on his face and holding the door open for me. I just followed him, shaking like crazy, scared of what might happen next.

The next thing I knew I was tumbling down the stairs and I heard John say, "Theres your respect" as he dragged me into a different room and not the room that Im use to.

I suddenly started to gain consinous again but my head hurt so bad, I tried to get up but soon realizied that I was tied to a chair.

"I wouldnt keep struggling sweetheart" John said turning on the lights while leaning against the concrete wall.

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