Chapter 25

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IM going to jump right into the story, lovelies. '.

"Wise men say only fools rush in

But I can't help falling in love with you

Shall I stay

Would it be a sin

If I can't help falling in love with you" -Ingrid Michaelson, Cant help falling in love.


As I sit in the love seat on Ethan lap and bite my nails but not of the scary movie we are watching but of me wondering how did I get myself into this mess.

Across the coffee table I have Jamie just staring at me, probably picturing many scenarios on ways to kill me in my sleep. Then Ethan brother is passed out and we are not even half way through the movie yet.

"Ciara, do you want to go upstairs." Ethan whispered in my ear to which I responded with a nod of my head.

"Okay this was fun and all but were going to bed." Ethan said grabbing my hand and leading me up the stairs not waiting for Jamie to respond.



"What's your brother name he won't tell me."

"His name is Blake."

"Okay but I should be getting home my parents would be worried about me." I said to Ethan once we entered his room and he shut the door and I sat down in his chair for his desk.

"Babe, it's late just stay over." he said while he laid back onto his bed and I glanced at his alarm clock that read 11:30.

"Fine, let me just call them." I said before grabbing my phone and stepping out into the hall way to talk privately to my parents

~phone rings~

'Ciara Mae Welsh, where the hell are you?'

'I'm at Ethan's house.'

'Why are you there, you need to be home, you just got out of the hospital for crying out loud'

'I know mom, I'm calling to tell you I'm spending the night here.'

'Who even dropped you off there, your car is still at the house.'

'Ty dropped me off, so no matter what I can't come home tonight anyways.'

'Your father will come get you.'

'Don't wake him up, you know how he gets if he doesn't get enough sleep.'

'Fine but that Williams boy will have to have you dropped off here by 2, do I make myself clear.'


'Love you'

'Love you too' I said before hanging up the phone and walking back into the room.

"So what did your parents say?" Ethan said while sitting up on his bed.

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