Chapter 13

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Heyyy lovelies, a little birdie told me that my stories are getting boring so I accept that as a challenge and to jazz up my new chapters starting now for yall. The last chapter was a filler because it was important for you to find out about Ciaras parents and i didnt want them to show up like woops there it is. I also got an editor cause my friend kept freaking out over my spelling and punctuation errors so i was like fine bitch you can edit now soooo i have an editor now soo yup. Keep reading and vote and comment and follow me boos.

"When you cry a piece of my heart dies knowing that i may have been the cause"-City and Colour. The girl


There he was sitting on the couch the boy i want to be with but i cant knowing what he has done, Ethan Williams. Across from him on my loveseat is another story. The boy who just showed up in my life, Abercombie looking rapist, Adam Vandervelt. They are sitting there and exchanging deadly glances and here i am in the kitchen making some fucking tea like this normal.

I walked out of the kitchen and handing each one of them some tea and sitting down. We sat there in complete silence for a couple of minutes until Ethan out of the blue started cracking up laughing. I just sat there and stared at him and then I started laughing cause of him laughing. But Adam didn't even once started laughing, he just sat there awkwardly.

"You know it's not a crime to laugh" I said calming down my laughing and wiped away my tears.

"Well there wasn't even something funny" he said and omg he sounded like a buzzkill ughhh.

"Don't be a buzzkill and did you hear his laugh omg it was a combination of a whale and a monkey" I said which made me giggle.

"Hey it wasn't even that bad. Miss typical white girl laugh over there" Ethan said poking my sides.

"Heyy my laugh isn't bad" I said giggling and pushing his hands away.

"Okay wanna be lovebirds" Adam said annoyed with how me and Ethan are acting towards each other.

"Why are you even here" Ethan said glancing at Adam giving him a disgusting face.

"To apologize to Ciara"

"So your telling me your plan didn't work" Ethan said leaning back into the couch showing off a grin.

"What plan!?!" I said trying to hold back the anger that was boiling inside me thinking about him trying to rape me is what he wanted all along.

"Oh this gonna be good" Ethan said leaning back in the couch smirking.

" plan to sweep you off your fall in love with me" Adam said looking around the room nervously.

"No need to lie dick it's only us three here" Ethan said with a grin still plastered on his face.

"Well Christine is here to so pipe it down"

"Ok and yeah that's my plan"

"Lies you told me how your gonna fuck her and leave her" Ethan yelling like me telling him to be quiet didn't even come out my mouth.

"Is that true?" I said barely hearable.

" of but that was before I got t-" he said before I cut him off

"What, get out" I said in a whisper with my head down and a tear rolling down my face.

"I didn't mean too upset you please forgive me"

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