Chapter 29

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We have reached the end of this book. *sniff* No I'm not crying, okay I'm lying. I will miss you my lovelies. Since this is the last chapter it will be grand just like you. So without further or do here is your chapter and goodbye my lovelies.

"Just like a heartbeat don't you go.-Cas Stonehouse, Made of you.
I awoke to the sound of a car door slamming and realizing it was night time and I was home. I got out of the car and looked up at the night sky and saw the millions of star in the sky. This has always been the reason why I loved the winter because of hot chocolate and Christmas and happiness radiating off of people as you walk by them but mainly cause of the stars in the sky and seeing your breath in the cold winter air.

"Ciara."he whispered into my ear and instantly I knew who it was because my name sent chills from my neck down to my toes and back to my brain to register who this person is who gave me this chilling sensation I adore. Ethan.

"Yes, Ethan." I said as I turned around so my eyes could meet his eyes full of love. They say the eyes are the window to a person soul and every time I look into his eye i fall more than I was before I did.

"Come with me." he asked as he held out his hand waiting for me to slip my hand into his and feel at home and that was what I did. I never had to question him where are we going, because I didn't care cause I was with him.

I got into his truck and buckled up and tried to warm up the best I could and he must of notice cause he blasted the warm air. Then he reached for my hands and clasped then together and used his breath to warm them up, I was in awe.

"Thank you." I said as he let go of only one hand but still held on to one hand. I never know why guys always do this.

He pulled out of my driveway and drove into the darkness. We stuck to the back roads which I loved better than the busy highway. We never did turn on the radio or spoke much cause we didn't need words to speak just being in each other presence was just enough for us.

"Eth."I said

"Mhm" he said keeping his eye fixated onto the road.

"Where are we going?" I asked not that I cared but I was curious and It was itching me to know.

"Well my love, I have planned something very special just like you are to me." he said while lifting his hand that was holding onto mine and kissed it that almost instantly activated the butterflies in my stomach.

We pulled into this grass road/trail that led to an abandoned beach and it was utterly perfect. I was speechless by the scenery it was like a daydream. There was even a willow tree coated in snow and snowflakes falling from the sky landing perfectly onto the ground where it remained, it was our personal winter wonderland.

"Your dinner awaits you,my love." Ethan said formally as he held out his hand while he held open the truck door waiting for me to step out.

"This is unbelievable." I said as we walked to the willow tree and he pulled the branches apart and we walked inside and there was a picnic style set up with fake light up candles. It was beautiful.

I just turned around to face him and saw his worried eyes and just kissed him cause no amount of words could of describe how I felt at that moment besides a kiss.

"Do you want to eat now?" He questioned nervously but it was adorable.

"What type of question is that, you know that I'm always hungry. So what's for dinner babe." I said trying to soften up the mood instead of it being an awkward first date setting.

"Well my dear, I cooked only the finest things for you which is spaghetti and bread and some wine I stole from the basement." Ethan said as he sat down onto the blanket and pulled the plates out and the wine.

"Oh I think I must reconsider this date knowing now your a thief." I said playfully as I joined Ethan.

"So this is a date now?" Ethan smirked at me as he popped the wine and started pouring it into wine glasses.

"I know..just stop." I stuttered out and hid my face into my hands cause I knew I was blushing and I don't like it when I blush.

"Oh no no no. Ciara, I was kidding it's a date and I don't like it when you hid yourself from me. If I'm gonna love you I wanna love all of you." Ethan said as he pulled my hands away from my face and kissed both of my blushing cheeks.

I just sat there and stared at this boy in front of me that I love to bits and shockingly he feels the same way to me. My dad always told me not to date a fixer upper cause he will consume all your time and bring you down but he was worth it all.

"Ciara, babe."

"Yeah,sorry. I just zoned out what did you say."

"Come with me, I want to show you something."

"Okay, but what is it?" I asked as I placed my hand into his and got up and walked outside of the willow tree, to be welcomed by the snow falling from the sky to collect in my hair.

"Look at the sky,sweetheart." Ethan said as he wrapped his arms around me to keep me warm from the harsh December wind.

As I looked up, I saw a million stars in the night sky. I always loved stars, I never knew why I just always loved looking at them even though in reality it's just a floating rock burning up and shooting stars are just rocks burning up in our atmosphere, but it's the magic and stories that make you fall Inlove with looking at them every night even though you know the reality.

"Ciara, I got to ask you something." Ethan said pulling me away from the stars.


"This is awkward and I don't know how to put it in words. I wrote it on paper a dozen times cause when I ask you it has to be perfect because you are the perfect girl to me. I know I'm rambling on about nonsense but isn't nonsense good. I'm just gonna say okay . Ciara will you go to the winter dance with me.. I know I should of got roses but whatever will you go to the da-" I couldn't stand seeing him ramble on even though it was adorable. So I did what any girl would, I kissed him cause this is the 21st century and girls can make the first move.

"So is that a yes?" He questioned nervously.

"Of course it is, silly."

"I love you, Ciara Mae Welsh."

"I love you to Ethan Williams." Then he kissed me.

I swear to you the heavens must of saw this burst of affection within us in this small field by the willow tree because the sky rejoice with the releasing of their stars cause that night as I was in his arms I saw a hundred shooting star. I didn't have to make a wish because I already had a star who was burning up my atmosphere and I couldn't wish for anything more. This unwanted love turned to be a gift from heaven cause I know that I would die happily cause I had him by my side.

So thank you for reading. This is my first book ever and I couldn't be more pleased with how it turned out. When reading it I can tell how I my writing grew over time and it sends a blush to my cheeks cause I couldn't believe I was like that once. So once again goodbye my lovelies. You will always remain a lovely memory in my mind to me to be cherish every time when I'm down. Love you.

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